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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID

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Author Topic: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
Posts: 11
Post Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: February 23, 2012 (GMT)

Hello !

I have a Clio 1.5 dCi with Delphi injection ECU.

I found in DDT2000, diagnostic tool, some informations for extra PIDS like this one I want to get :

Data Name=”Pression rail”
– pression dans le rail d’injection
– Bits count=”16″ signed=”1″
– Unit=”bar” DivideBy=” 10″

So we can deduce rail pressure is coded of 2 Bytes ?

Another information :

Request Name=”trame1 paramètres”
– SentBytes=21A1
– Received MinBytes=”27″
– DataItem Name=”Pression rail” Ref=”1″ FirstByte=”15″

Here we can find trame ModePID = 21A1 ?

So in torque I set an extra PID like this :

– OBD2 Mode and PID : 21a1
– Long name : Rail pressure
– Short name : Prail
– Min value : 0.0
– Max value : 2000.0
– Scale factor : x0.1 (because of DivideBy=10)
– Unit type : bar
– Equation : O*P (don’t know if it is correct, O might be 15th Byte ?
OBD Header : maybe what I’m missing ?

Here is two screenshots take from DDT2000, I think there are some informations for the header, tried some but failed…

In the XML data I found this too :

Function Name=”ECM” Address=”122″

122 in Hex = 7A like in the screenshot.

This is the frame I got from DDT2000 on my car :

Requête ‘trame1paramètres’ sent = 21A1 received = 61A100006C0D700D0000160CC0365209FC0803000000000000000000

09FC stands for what I am looking = 255,6 bar after equation.

Do someone have an idea on how to get this information in Torque Pro ?

Thanks for your interest :)

Posts: 11
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: February 23, 2012 (GMT)

I’ve just read this page :

“DIY & generic tools don’t support modes higher than 9, but pro ones can send a mode 27 command. This a request by the tool for security access. The ecu then sends a seed to the tool. Using an algorithm contained within this and the ecu, both devices calculate the key from this seed. If the keys match, the ecu allows access. Clearly, the tool must have the same algorithm as the ecu or the keys won’t match and this is not in the public domain. So companies like Sykes Pickavant, Rovacom, Snap On, and remapping product manufacturers will have either purchased it from the manufacturer or reverse engineered it by monitoring the data stream and collecting seed/key pairs in the hope of deciphering the algorithm that generates one from the other.

Once access has been granted, the tool can use the other modes as required. For example: by using a Scantool interface in monitoring mode, I could see that my ACR4 was using mode 21 to request sensor data, mode 30 to test various actuators such as air con clutch, and mode 14 to clear fault codes. Modes 34, 35,36, 3B, 3C are data transfer modes used when reading and writing to the ecu (eg when remapping).”

Sounds like we need some king of auth process beetween Torque and the ECU to read mode 21 ?

What do you think about that ?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: February 24, 2012 (GMT)

Nope, mode 21 is defined as not requiring security access on a /lot/ of vehicles, mainly due to being read-only

It’s only for things like actuators and running tests that you need the extra stuff

Torque already uses mode 21 to 23 for various things so if you have a mode 21 pid then it should just work :)

Posts: 11
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: March 12, 2012 (GMT)

Thanks for your answer !

I spyed the serial connection and I get this :

Sent > 82 7A F1 21 A1 AF

82 = ?
7A = ECU injection address
F1 = tool (ELM) address
21 A1 = PID
AF = ?

I receive 3 paquets :

1st < 82 7A F1 21 A1 AF same as sent 2nd < 9C = ? 3rd < F1 7A 61 A1 00 00 00 00 70 0D 00 00 CA 0B 24 2F E1 FF 2C 10 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD F1 = tool (ELM) address 7A = ECU injection address 61 A1 00 00 00 = ? 00 70 = engine rpm 0D 00 = rpm setpoint 00 CA = throttle 0B 24 = watter temperature 2F E1 = battry FF 2C = rail pressure == what I want to read 10 03 = rail pressure setpoint == what I want to read 00 00 = climate control pressure 00 00 00 = fault bits 00 00 = fault bits 00 = fault bits 00 CD = ?? I think with this you could give me more idea on how to read this ? Thanks in advance :)

Posts: 11
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: March 15, 2012 (GMT)

Just looks like I have to send a first frame to “initialise” the ECU ?

Any idea on this ?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: March 16, 2012 (GMT)


Still here – it looks like that is a valid mode 21 command, and that you’re getting data back from it.

All you’d need to do is enter the same command in torque in the equation editor (after working out the scaling for each part of the reply) so you can then create your own ‘extended’ displays that show that data

82 7A F1 is the header to use in the header part of the editor

Posts: 11
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: March 26, 2012 (GMT)

Ok so I have to set the custom PID like this :

OBD2 Mode and PID : 21A1AF
Equation : something with R and S for rail pressure
OBD header : 827AF1

Is that correct ?

For the equation I had this : 09FC = 2556 / 10 = 255,6 bar

09 would be the byte R and FC the byte S, how does my equation must look like ?

Isn’t it a problem that, when I send the command, I receive 3 packets ? Can Torque handle that ?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: March 26, 2012 (GMT)


Yes, torque will stitch the packets back together into one

The information looks correct. If the variable is R, then you’d put that into the equation and then apply any scaling required, eg:

R * 100


R / (9/5)

R will be a value from 0 to 255 which you will then apply the scaling to. For multibyte variable (eg: A and B) you usually have something like (A*256)+B

You would create one PID for each sensor that you want. You should be fine with multiple entries pointing at the same PID

Posts: 11
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: March 26, 2012 (GMT)

Thanks a lot !

Ok so the packet would look like this :

82 7A F1 21 A1 AF 9C F1 7A 61 A1 00 00 00 00 70 0D 00 00 CA 0B 24 2F E1 FF 2C 10 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Is that correct ?

How can I access bytes after Z ?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: March 26, 2012 (GMT)


The variables will go from A-Z then AA, AB, AC(etc), BA, BB, BC, (etc)

The 21A1 is the PID you should be using, the AF is not required on a mode 21 PID (make sure the documentation didn’t say something like 21 A1 ‘to’ AF)

A will start after the header and response (so somwhere on or just after AF in your reply)

Posts: 11
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: March 26, 2012 (GMT)

Thanks a lot for your answers !

I’ll give it a try tomorrow :)

Posts: 11
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: March 27, 2012 (GMT)

Hi !

I tried many things… without any result :(

I don’t really know where I go wrong because I do not know well how OBD protocol works…

Is there a way to spy what torque sends en receive ?

Posts: 11
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: April 17, 2012 (GMT)

UP !

I can’t get it to work… no one here did it ?

Thanks ^^

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: April 17, 2012 (GMT)


Your PID should be: 21A1  (AF is a check digit – ignore it)
Your equation should use variables P and Q, but you’ll need to find out the scaling information. It could look something like: ((P*255)+Q)/10

Posts: 11
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: April 18, 2012 (GMT)

Ok, so there is not “OBD header” to set ?

I’ll give a try in a few hours with :

– PID : 21A1
– Equation : ((P*255)+Q)/10

Posts: 11
Post Re: Renault Delphi K9K 1.5 dCi - Extra PID
on: April 18, 2012 (GMT)

I’m sad that didn’t work…

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