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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque connects to adapter but wont connect to ecu and other app does

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Author Topic: Torque connects to adapter but wont connect to ecu and other app does
Posts: 4
Post Torque connects to adapter but wont connect to ecu and other app does
on: February 20, 2022 (GMT)

Hello all i am very new this so please bare with me. I have a 2008 suzuki sx4 and i cant get the adapter to connect to the ecu using Torque app but it does connect using szviewer app. I am enclosing a photo. IS there anyway that i can get this to work with the Torque Pro app i purchased. I’m trying to figure out which protocol i need to use or if i have to create a custom one. The szviewer in pic has a module (i assume thats the prtocol) but i dont see it in torque??

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque connects to adapter but wont connect to ecu and other app does
on: February 20, 2022 (GMT)


Can you tell me the version of Torque you are using (Main screen->adapter status->scroll down to the version number)

It was updated this morning with some fixes for issues noticed in some clone adapters – it may have already updated on your phone (as part of automatic updates) so is worth making sure you have the latest update, and then trying again

Posts: 4
Post Re: Torque connects to adapter but wont connect to ecu and other app does
on: February 20, 2022 (GMT)

Version 1.8.16

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque connects to adapter but wont connect to ecu and other app does
on: February 20, 2022 (GMT)


Please update to the latest version of Torque from Google Play. Torque is only distributed on Google Play and updates are always free after purchase

Posts: 4
Post Re: Torque connects to adapter but wont connect to ecu and other app does
on: February 20, 2022 (GMT)

Hi I updated to the latest version and it’s the same thing…says its connected to the adapter but cannot communicate with ecu no matter which profile I use. I get this info from the szviewer app which does connect to the ecu using the adapter… Is there anyway this can be translated so I know which protocol I need to use with torque to connect. This is the info I get from the szviewer app if that helps.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Torque connects to adapter but wont connect to ecu and other app does
on: February 20, 2022 (GMT)


What country was your vehicle originally sold in (this matters because different countries have different legislation regarding vehicle diagnostics)

Generally, if the vehicle supports OBD2 then it should definitely work with Torque – if it isn’t then this could mean:

* The adapter is not working on the OBD2 protocol (not the manufacturers proprietary protocol, which can be different)

* The vehicle doesn’t support OBD2 (dependant on the country the vehicle was sold in)

* There may be a custom init string needed (due to differing legislation regarding OBD2) – in the vehicle profile, advanced settings, there is a drop down for custom init – one of the entries there may be required for your vehicle

– if none of the above work (I suspect you may need a custom init to be used, but I need to know the originating country the vehicle was sold in) then I’ll need a debug log to be sent which I’ll talk you through once you’ve checked the above first

Posts: 4
Post Re: Torque connects to adapter but wont connect to ecu and other app does
on: February 20, 2022 (GMT)

It’s from Japan.

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