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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Gauge Corrupted

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Author Topic: Gauge Corrupted
Posts: 1
Post Gauge Corrupted
on: February 18, 2022 (GMT)

been using torque for couple years.

past month or so guages went haywire
well.. some gauges. mostly “large” size, the RPM on homepage is currput. same gauge on sensors default page 2. but if gauge is resized on page 2 it looks fine.

background image is corrupt on sensors pages.

see photos

tried delting app, re-installing. no change.
factory reset whole android device. fixed for 1 run then went corrupt again. delete app, reinstall, no change again.

BONUS fail: backup dont work, if clicked, a toast comes up, says to install filemanager plus, it is installed. it gets brought up by torque if you hit the restore button. backup does not.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Gauge Corrupted
on: February 18, 2022 (GMT)


Please update to the latest version of Torque from Google Play – this issue was fixed some time ago and the .80 version has the fix (which is the current release on Google Play) – the corruption is actually an issue with the device itself in the graphics handling which a workaround has been put into the latest versions

The vendor who made your Android device has not included some of the required functionality that Android provides – you’ll likely find (as others have) that some apps do not work properly because of the missing functions – this is why the file backup/restore is having issues (because for some reason the device vendor has not included any compatible file browser)

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