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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Request to access USB after full restart

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Author Topic: Request to access USB after full restart
Posts: 223
Post [closed] Request to access USB after full restart
on: February 15, 2022 (GMT)

It was confirmed by several people in russian forum (including me):
After full restart of android (e.g. after power loss / battery exchange / etc.) the request window “Allow Torque to access device ‘USB-Serial controller’?” with checkbox “Start Torque app when device ‘USB-Serial controller’ gets connected”. After setting check on this checkbox and tapping OK eerything works fine, until next power loss.
Sure, this happens not very often (at least by me), but maybe it is possible to eliminate this window completely after answering “yes, connect and allow”?
Torque v1.12.70

Thanks in advance.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Request to access USB after full restart
on: February 15, 2022 (GMT)


If I remember correctly, when some states happen on the device (uninstall/reinstall, etc, and I think powerloss is one of those states), then the OS will ask if it is OK for permission to use the USB device

This is part of the permissions structure on Android – because it’s a permission, it’s not possible to workaround the popup as it is the OS that is asking, not Torque. It may also popup if more than one USB capable app (for the declared USB device) is installed (to ask for a default)

Posts: 223
Post Re: Request to access USB after full restart
on: February 15, 2022 (GMT)

Ok, understood and accepted. Thanks for fast reply.

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