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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Layout and display not saving

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Author Topic: Layout and display not saving
Posts: 8
Post Layout and display not saving
on: February 1, 2022 (GMT)

Hi all,

I have the paid version of Torque and have installed on my Android 11 head unit.

My problem is that once I Have added the dials/sensors that I what to monitor, when I turn the vehicle off and on, they are gone.

My vehicle settings all stay though?

I’ve looked at the app permissions and it has read/write access.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.

BTW, Bimmerlink is able to remember what dials/sensors to it.

Thanks in advance,

Posts: 223
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 1, 2022 (GMT)

i guess that your HU kills Torque app after you switch off ACC. Have you tried to exit Torque app and start it again after changing dashboard layout?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 1, 2022 (GMT)


Once you have completed your dashboard setup, press the back button and this will cause the layout to be saved

If it does not save after pressing the back button, then something is preventing the file from being written on the device itself

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 1, 2022 (GMT)


It looks like the head unit kills all apps when the ignition is turned off – that’ actually a really bad thing to do as you don’t know what an android app is actually doing when you kill the process (it could lead to corrupted half-written config files for example)

I’d try to find some way to disable that kind of app killing (or speak with the manufacturer to get them to close down properly as there is a way to do that). I’ll see if I can workaround the vendors bad practice in an app update though

Posts: 8
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 2, 2022 (GMT)

Thank you for your responses and ideas.

I’ll try the back button and report back.

With regard to the HU killing apps, I have noticed that when I restart my car that Torque is already running, although it wont connect to the OBDII adapter unless I kill it and restart the app.

I’ll come back to you ASAP.

Thanks again.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 2, 2022 (GMT)


Thanks – quick question – are you using a USB adapter or bluetooth?

Posts: 8
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 3, 2022 (GMT)



I added a new display and pressed the back button and then quit the app. The display stayed! YAY!!!

The only other very minor thing for me, is that the HU launches Torque Pro with each start but does not connect to the adapter until I kill the app and restart it. Any ideas there?

Also, I have looked but am unable to see a sensor for engine oil temp, which my actual dash has.

My car is a 2011 BMW F10 550i.

Thanks again for all the support.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 3, 2022 (GMT)


Thanks for the feedback – I’ll try to improve the saving in the next feature update once I’m done getting all the small bugs out of the current big update

It’s possible that you’ll need to send me a debug file to see what the not connect issue is – however if it’s what I suspect then it should be trivial (the debug will confirm it though)

Go to the settings->special settings-> enable debugging

Then quit the app and do whatever dance it is to get into the state where it isn’t connecting again.

Once it’s tried to ‘not connect’ for about 30 seconds, then go into the app (without quitting it!)->realtime information->gear/menu icon->send debugging information and write your forum name in the box that pops up and press send (you’ll need an internet connection)

Once you’ve done that, let me know and I’ll take a look and see what’s up!

Posts: 8
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 4, 2022 (GMT)

Hi Ian,

I followed your instructions but could not see enable debugging.

Am I missing something?

(and yes, ask my wife and she’ll confirm I’m stupid 😉

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 4, 2022 (GMT)


You’ll need to be on the latest version of Torque (torque is only distributed on Google Play, nowhere else)

The settings are on the first screen, gear icon in the lower left -> settings – > special options/setting -> enable debugging

Posts: 8
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 4, 2022 (GMT)


I downloaded from Google play, so I should have the current version.

When I go into Special Settings/Options, I see:

* Renault RPM ECU bug workaround
* Do not use GPS for distance calculations
* Ford F150/F250 2000/01 ECU bug workaround

I do not see enable debugging?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 4, 2022 (GMT)


Thankyou for bearing with me – Can you check there’s not an update in google play waiting to download (you may need to reboot the phone to get it to see the update) – the setting is missing meaning that you may be on an old version (plus I just did an update which has a ton of fixes in as well)

Posts: 8
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 5, 2022 (GMT)


I updated the software and have sent through the debugging log, I hope it went through.

Sent using my username as requested.

Let me know if you see it :)

Thanks again for your time and help.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 6, 2022 (GMT)

Hi there,

I’ve been having some issues with importing and exporting my dashboard layouts as well as my vehicle data. I have a Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. At first, whenever I tried to export the dashboard it would appear in the .torque>dashboard folder. But then that feature stopped working. So I’ve uninstalled and deleted the. torque folder and then reinstalled. .torque folder is no longer there although I have my file explorer set to show hidden files.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! I’m assuming once I get the . torque folder to show up I can move my backup dashboards and vehicle files into it and then import?



Posts: 6634
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 6, 2022 (GMT)


The .torque folder is no longer used due to Android’s forced requirement that everyone now uses the storage api (which is amazingly not feature complete)

This means the storage was moved into the /sdcard/Android/data/org.prowl.torque/files folder instead

There is a full export/import option in the main app settings that you may wish to check out as this exports and imports everything

Posts: 8
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 7, 2022 (GMT)

Hi Ian,

Did my debug log file show up?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 7, 2022 (GMT)


Got the debug, thanks

Everything appears to be ok in there now (the reconnection issues should be fixed in the latest beta).

Engine oil temperature PIDs aren’t part of the standard Mode 01 PIDs – it’ll be manufacturer specific (a mode 21 or 22 PID)

You may also have luck looking for a DBC file as your vehicle is CANBUS which can then also be imported into Torque. The oil temp PID is probably already known on BMW forums

Posts: 2
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 7, 2022 (GMT)

Quote from admin on February 6, 2022

The .torque folder is no longer used due to Android’s forced requirement that everyone now uses the storage api (which is amazingly not feature complete)

This means the storage was moved into the /sdcard/Android/data/org.prowl.torque/files folder instead

There is a full export/import option in the main app settings that you may wish to check out as this exports and imports everything

Thanks for the response, I followed that path (however I don’t have an SF card): Internal Storage: Android/Data and it is empty with the option for hidden files to be shown. I’ve already cleared the app data and cache, and deleted and reinstalled the app. I have my . dash file and my . tdv files backed up to my Google drive.

Is there a way to get that folder installed?


Posts: 6634
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 7, 2022 (GMT)


You’ll need to use a file manager that has access to view that location on the device, otherwise it’ll just be ‘permission denied’ empty

Alternatively, export all the settings, put your dash file inside the zip in the correct place, and restore the zip file from the app

Posts: 8
Post Re: Layout and display not saving
on: February 8, 2022 (GMT)

Hi again!,

I sent another log as upon startup (cold), Torque Pro is starting up but is unable to connect to the OBDII, although I see it trying auto handshake.

Killing the app and restarting, it connects straight away.

Is the current version on playstore the fixed version or is that still in beta?

I had a look for a DBC canbus file and or a list of BMW PID’s and so far have not come across anything. If you have any links, I would appreciate it.

Thanks again for all your help.

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