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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » MPS - Metric L/100k issues

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Author Topic: MPS - Metric L/100k issues
Posts: 1
Post "MPG" - Metric L/100k issues
on: January 8, 2022 (GMT)

I have been trying to trim some error out of my fuel usage figures in Torque Pro.
I have lowered the “MPG” trim (MPG to me is imperial, but this seems to apply to metric L/100K as well) from 1.00 to 0.45 to get the L/100K instant and average even close to what it should be.
However it seems to drastically increase the fuel rate L/Hr beyond realistic figures.
I have a Diesel Nissan Navara D40 2012 Thai built, and I know from fuel fill-up and KM traveled figures that I get around 10.0 L/100K. And thats what many seem to get.
With MPG trim on 1.00 I get average L/100K around half or 5 L/100K on average. But the fuel rates seem realistic at 1-2 L/Hr idle and 9-10 L/Hr on the road at 100KMH.
When I lower the MPG trim to 0.45, my L/100K become more normal at around 9.5 to 10 L/100k but the fuel rate more than doubles to 5-6 L/Hr idle and 15 to 18 L/Hr on the road at 100 KM/Hr.
Now this is where things don’t make sense.
I cannot get the L/Hr and L/100K sensibly equating. With the trim at 0.45, if the car is traveling at 100KM/Hr using fuel at the average rate of 15-18 L/Hr then logic says the L/100K should be around 15-18. But its around 9.5 to 10.
Does anyone else see these issues?
I am using fuel flow PID only as my Navara does not seem to support the extra sensors that fuel calcs can use.
I also take those L/100K readings after resetting and driving at constant speed on the highway for 10 to 15 mins.
Any insight appreciated.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: MPS - Metric L/100k issues
on: January 8, 2022 (GMT)


Do you have the ‘Enhanced MPG Calculation’ and ‘Faster Communications’ options enabled in the app settings?

Posts: 2
Post Re: MPS - Metric L/100k issues
on: April 21, 2023 (GMT)

I have a 2014 Navara D40 Thai and after enabling ‘Enhanced MPG Calculation’ and ‘Faster Communications’ I got what I calculated to be a accurate reading.

Does anyone have extended PID’s for the D40’s? A proper fuel level and outside air temp would be good

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