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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Scripting support

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Author Topic: Scripting support
Posts: 6629
Post Re: Scripting support
on: February 3, 2022 (GMT)


1.12.42 is out which should improve the issue with those hard spaced files significantly – also I added a ‘Sound’ class as well so you can make beeps as it was extremely quick to do in the end

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Scripting support
on: February 3, 2022 (GMT)

Thanks Ian!

Just updated to latest beta and edited
both scripts as you mentioned and they
are now working.

All of my script editing has been within
Torque so not sure how the hard spaces
were created, but it is working again now

I am not sure the process of copying/txt file/
zipping/emailing didn’t create them though.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Scripting support
on: February 19, 2022 (GMT)

Has anything changed with Sound.playTones()?

Was working but not now…

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Scripting support
on: February 19, 2022 (GMT)


It was modified slightly to accept floating points (where before it didnt), though that should not intefere with existing code. I’ll have a look

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Scripting support
on: February 19, 2022 (GMT)


Ok that’s fixed – it was my fault and broke playtones(array, array) in the beta

Are there any other things in scripting that would make things easier I can add before I send this update out?

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Scripting support
on: February 20, 2022 (GMT)

Still learning a little at a time. Haven’t played
with the OBD stuff yet. Thanks for asking.

Where would one find the file names used
in the pushbutton scripts? Can my device
file manager see them?

How can the pb scripts be protected from
accidental loss? Should I be creating them
outside of torque then pasting them?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Scripting support
on: February 20, 2022 (GMT)


The files are all in the internal ‘org.prowl.torque’ folder which is usually references from /sdcard/Android/data location

The pushbutton scripts are copied internally and can be renamed by the app

To take a complete backup (of everything) you can go to the Settings->Backup/restore settings and do a full backup from there – this now backs up everything so you can change devices(etc) and can keep all your settings

Having said all that – I can see the script editor could do with an ‘export’ button for pushbutton scripts somewhere…

Edit: .86 is now out (beta and full release) which the only change from .85 is the fix for the Sound class in scripts – I’ll add the export in a later update soon as I’m busy sending out the TorqueScan beta today

Posts: 1
Post Re: Scripting support
on: June 17, 2022 (GMT)


I am new to using scripting in Torque Pro but I have a bit of experience in VBA and python, but I cant seem to figure out how to extract a sensor value and place it in a variable….????

Could you please send me an example of how to extract a sensor value and place in a variable to be utilised in the main function?


Posts: 1
Post Re: Scripting support
on: December 20, 2022 (GMT)

Hi, can you write a script for the Pushbutton that turns off the bluetooth on my phone, and then also one to turn the bluetooth back on. My car is from 2005 and it doesn’t have an aux port, so I have to use an adapter to play music from my phone, and usually after I turn my engine on, my adapter will glitch out, and I have to turn off my bluetooth and then turn it back on to get it to work. So it would make things extremely efficient for me to have it all in one place, I just bought the pro version and discovered the Pushbuttons for music, (play, stop, next song, etc.) and they’re a game changer! I’d love to have bluetooth controlling buttons right beside them. Please and thank you! :)

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