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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Bluetooth adapter

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Author Topic: Bluetooth adapter
Posts: 1
Post Bluetooth adapter
on: December 30, 2021 (GMT)

But before the update my Bluetooth adapter to my odb link xl was always connected as green but for the recent updates Stay Green and then it will turn itself off to Orange and sometimes red do you know what the cause of this or any help with it my other problem is is there any forms or information well and tell me how to read tid and CID I’m working on my 04 BMW 325xi

There’s not much to say about myself I just need information that’s all it is I’ve been using this app for ever since I purchase it I was working just fine I just need to learn how to understand it more and why is my problem happening now then what it was doing before

Posts: 6629
Post Re: Bluetooth adapter
on: December 30, 2021 (GMT)


Usually this means an adapter is no longer functioning properly, but there are some instances where this could also be due to invalid commands being sent:

First place would be to check the vehicle profile advanced part for invalid settings (at the bottom of the advanced settings) – normally this should be left blank.

Next place would be to carefully check any extended PIDs that you may have added in the settings – these usually should not cause issues, however if the diagnostic start/stop commands contain invalid commands then this could also cause issues

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