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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Pics of your setups

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Author Topic: Pics of your setups
Posts: 96
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: January 30, 2017 (GMT)

nice theme.. can you upload it somewhere please?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: February 9, 2017 (GMT)

06′ WRX – clock delete
Samsung J1 Mini (non rooted)
torque pro. Using macrodroid for automating it to reserve battery power when not running. Using about 30% of the screen.

This is just the main page:

Loving this app as i couldn’t find any nice digital gauges to suit the clock space and this gives me the freedom to do so much more.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: February 18, 2017 (GMT)

Hah, that is a nice hack.

I added a 7″ Android tablet to my Suburban dash as a host for off-road offline navigation maps, before discovering TorqueLite. Just upgraded to Pro last night and an still messing with app setup. Particularly chasing trans temp.

But here’s my tablet, mounted above the double din Pioneer DVD head unit, which I shoehorned into a din-and-a-half dash.

Posts: 12
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: February 25, 2017 (GMT)

My smart Roadster:

blown maloo
Posts: 40
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: March 1, 2017 (GMT)

Australia FNQ

Posts: 13
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: March 12, 2017 (GMT)

Mondeo ST TDCi

Mondeo ST220

Posts: 13
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: March 12, 2017 (GMT)

Mondeo ST TDCi

Mondeo ST220

Posts: 12
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: May 1, 2017 (GMT)

Some cool setups! I have a pre-OBDII 1994 Land Cruiser. I want to monitor boost and exhaust temperature.

I purchased and android head unit made by Volsmart, which comes with the Torque app pre-loaded:

Since the Land Cruiser is pre-OBDII, I am trying to use an Arduino to relay signals from aftermarket analog sensors (boost & egt). Per the wiki (, I setup the Arduino with bluetooth HC-06.

However, I have hit a snag. The HC-06 does not seem to communicate with the Volsmart headunit.

I can successfully connect and see the the data when I connect the arduino/HC-06 to another android tablet. So, it seems to be an issue with the headunit. In particular, I can’t pair the Volsmart headunit with the HC-06 BT. Volsmart claims their bluetooth stack does not support Serial Port Profile (SPP) which the HC-06 uses to communicate.

I am pretty new to all this stuff, so can anyone smarter than me help find a solution? I’m living overseas, so returning the Volsmart hu isn’t an option. If I root the headunit, can I add SPP capability easily?


If you need any more info – just ask, I’ll try to reply best I can.

Posts: 7
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: July 7, 2017 (GMT)

Hello All – been using the app for years, but until getting on this Forum I never fully appreciated the customization possible with the themes and layout.

While I haven’t gotten involved with creating my own theme as I’m well short of being any kind of programmer, I have enjoyed tremendously revising my screens to take advantage of what I’ve learned here on the forum. Here are a few screen shots of what I’ve setup – I think i may have maxed out the number of gauges on a single screen…

I have my app set up to switch themes at dark, I use the white gauges in daytime, and the aqua theme at night. Both are the standard “Prius” theme that comes with the app.

Posts: 96
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: July 7, 2017 (GMT)


Can you tell me in the “wheel HP” pid how you manage to get the MAX value in the digital theme?

Posts: 6
Post Android rear-view mirror and hud setup
on: July 15, 2017 (GMT)

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for making this awesome app, it actually saved our asses a year ago, helping me to limp my old overheated car 360 km (225 mi) through the Canadian Rocky Mountains using a OBD adapter. I watched that coolant temp either climb or fall per-degree, and that run-time info saved us. Period. I’ve been a huge fan ever since and I am still learning the app – as lately my hobby has been the hardware behind the Torque app – details below in my bio.

My main unit for Torque is the rear-view mirror. It’s BT’d to my pilot’s GPS (10x sec updates, GLONASS, GPS, 1.8m acc), and also to the OBDLink LX.

My old Nexus 4 Android phone is now my new HUD which is BT’d to the same GPS (up to 5 connections on it), and then to a cheap knock-off OBD2.

The mirror is a complete custom config by me and it has been tedious to say the least with mainly BT and storage issues with the new UI, GPS, dashcam (AutoGuard) and probably the deep control Torque has over the BT. I do beleive I have stabilized it though.

One thing I wish I could do which I won’t give up on yet is pairing the OBDLink LX to both my Torque apps via ‘Torque OBD2 Repeater’

But the biggest issue I have is that Torque has no screen-landscape option, only rotation, so when I do turns hard, my HUD screen rotates – I’m probably going to configure it portrait this week.

I’m excited to be here and to chat in the forums, because my little project is almost done, then it will really be time to get into this software and learn it.

2002 Nissan Maxima GLE
Torque-related hardware: Smarture M3 Android Rear View Mirror (main), Nexus 4 (HUD), Pixel XL (testing, config, maps), OBDLink LX OBD2, Vgate OBD2, OBD2 Y-splitter, Dual GPS-160
OBD2 / Navigation-related Android Apps: Torque Pro OBD 2 (Ian Hawkins), OBDLink (, Bluetooth GPS (GG Moblab), GPS Status Pro (MobiWIA-EclipSim), Widgets for Torque (Ian Hawkins), Apex Launcher Pro (Android Does), Widgetzoid Donate (Jaumard), Keep Screen On (Open App Info), Rotation Lock Adaptive, (Micgooware), Exodus Pro Live Wallpaper (Joko Interactive), and of course Maps by the great Goog.

Jays auto
Posts: 1
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: July 16, 2017 (GMT)


15 years being a tuner from dsm to jdm

Posts: 6
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: July 16, 2017 (GMT)

Here is the new setup for my HUD on the Nexus4, as I have tried all available options to get landscape mode to lock. This seems to work well, I’m going to pair it to the OBDLink LX, then I can switch between the mirror and this with the BT. I can’t stand how slow the cheap OBD are anymore now that I’ve been spoiled with the OBDLink. Next I’ll try logging with the two devices, etc.

2002 Nissan Maxima GLE
Torque-related hardware: Smarture M3 Android Rear View Mirror (main), Nexus 4 (HUD), Pixel XL (testing, config, maps), OBDLink LX OBD2, Vgate OBD2, OBD2 Y-splitter, Dual GPS-160
OBD2 / Navigation-related Android Apps: Torque Pro OBD 2 (Ian Hawkins), OBDLink (, Bluetooth GPS (GG Moblab), GPS Status Pro (MobiWIA-EclipSim), Widgets for Torque (Ian Hawkins), Apex Launcher Pro (Android Does), Widgetzoid Donate (Jaumard), Keep Screen On (Open App Info), Rotation Lock Adaptive, (Micgooware), Exodus Pro Live Wallpaper (Joko Interactive), and of course Maps by the great Goog.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: July 19, 2017 (GMT)

@markquarless your last set of photos don’t appear to have uploaded. Could you please try again, thanks.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: July 19, 2017 (GMT)

Where can I find info on the correct way to upload pics to this site?

2002 Nissan Maxima GLE
Torque-related hardware: Smarture M3 Android Rear View Mirror (main), Nexus 4 (HUD), Pixel XL (testing, config, maps), OBDLink LX OBD2, Vgate OBD2, OBD2 Y-splitter, Dual GPS-160
OBD2 / Navigation-related Android Apps: Torque Pro OBD 2 (Ian Hawkins), OBDLink (, Bluetooth GPS (GG Moblab), GPS Status Pro (MobiWIA-EclipSim), Widgets for Torque (Ian Hawkins), Apex Launcher Pro (Android Does), Widgetzoid Donate (Jaumard), Keep Screen On (Open App Info), Rotation Lock Adaptive, (Micgooware), Exodus Pro Live Wallpaper (Joko Interactive), and of course Maps by the great Goog.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: July 19, 2017 (GMT)

Just testing a image by enclosing the direct link between img tags (selected from the Image icon)

Seems to work. @markquarless can you also provide details of how you hacked the ODB2.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: July 19, 2017 (GMT)

Thanks @puggy. Like this site?

I’ll edit the posts within 5 mins, and I also have a new post to make.

2002 Nissan Maxima GLE
Torque-related hardware: Smarture M3 Android Rear View Mirror (main), Nexus 4 (HUD), Pixel XL (testing, config, maps), OBDLink LX OBD2, Vgate OBD2, OBD2 Y-splitter, Dual GPS-160
OBD2 / Navigation-related Android Apps: Torque Pro OBD 2 (Ian Hawkins), OBDLink (, Bluetooth GPS (GG Moblab), GPS Status Pro (MobiWIA-EclipSim), Widgets for Torque (Ian Hawkins), Apex Launcher Pro (Android Does), Widgetzoid Donate (Jaumard), Keep Screen On (Open App Info), Rotation Lock Adaptive, (Micgooware), Exodus Pro Live Wallpaper (Joko Interactive), and of course Maps by the great Goog.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: July 19, 2017 (GMT)

I figured out my portrait issue finally. Really stupid of me, I am using an aftermarket launcher (Apex) and had it set to landscape – but android was still set to portrait – doh.

Here is my HUD 2.0 and I have decided to continue using my 2nd OBD2 (cheap Japanese brand) on this display only for the coolant temp. Speed, speed graph, and GPS data is from my Dual-160 pilot’s GPS (updates 10x / sec). Now my awesome OBDLink LX is just for the rear-view mirror Torque setup.

I decided to also graph the GPS bearing so I can quickly see if there are any anomalies possibly affecting the speed data. The GPS Acc has an alarm set at 2.5 m

I updated my bio to reflect the other Android apps I am using to help my Torque OBD2 Pro setup.

2002 Nissan Maxima GLE
Torque-related hardware: Smarture M3 Android Rear View Mirror (main), Nexus 4 (HUD), Pixel XL (testing, config, maps), OBDLink LX OBD2, Vgate OBD2, OBD2 Y-splitter, Dual GPS-160
OBD2 / Navigation-related Android Apps: Torque Pro OBD 2 (Ian Hawkins), OBDLink (, Bluetooth GPS (GG Moblab), GPS Status Pro (MobiWIA-EclipSim), Widgets for Torque (Ian Hawkins), Apex Launcher Pro (Android Does), Widgetzoid Donate (Jaumard), Keep Screen On (Open App Info), Rotation Lock Adaptive, (Micgooware), Exodus Pro Live Wallpaper (Joko Interactive), and of course Maps by the great Goog.

Posts: 6
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: August 11, 2017 (GMT)

Here’s my setup…

Posts: 2
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: September 5, 2017 (GMT)

Quote from 1kzte on May 1, 2017
Some cool setups! I have a pre-OBDII 1994 Land Cruiser. I want to monitor boost and exhaust temperature.

I purchased and android head unit made by Volsmart, which comes with the Torque app pre-loaded:

Since the Land Cruiser is pre-OBDII, I am trying to use an Arduino to relay signals from aftermarket analog sensors (boost & egt). Per the wiki (, I setup the Arduino with bluetooth HC-06.

However, I have hit a snag. The HC-06 does not seem to communicate with the Volsmart headunit.

I can successfully connect and see the the data when I connect the arduino/HC-06 to another android tablet. So, it seems to be an issue with the headunit. In particular, I can’t pair the Volsmart headunit with the HC-06 BT. Volsmart claims their bluetooth stack does not support Serial Port Profile (SPP) which the HC-06 uses to communicate.

I am pretty new to all this stuff, so can anyone smarter than me help find a solution? I’m living overseas, so returning the Volsmart hu isn’t an option. If I root the headunit, can I add SPP capability easily?


If you need any more info – just ask, I’ll try to reply best I can.

It might be worth trying a hc-05. Thing is all the bluetooth obd-ii adapters are serial emulators. I have a elm plug that my xperia z5 won’t pair with but my tab-s and xperia z2 will. Go figure ?

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