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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Pics of your setups

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Author Topic: Pics of your setups
Posts: 16
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: October 4, 2011 (GMT)

2005 Pontiac GTO
I found a nice phone mount that looks part of the interior. Used velcro to mount the phone. Yeah I know my cutting skills are poor, but who cares what the back of the phone looks like, I tried glueing the velcro to the rubber casing I have on my phone, but no glue will stick to it. So I stuck it on the phone and cut the rubber casing.
I routed the charging cable through the center console into the glovebox, so there’s only a short cable visible.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: October 7, 2011 (GMT)

well then I send you my settings.
I chose the blue theme and put together two different ads for:

– Fuel savings

– 1 / 4 mile and 0-100, because I live in Germany :-)

Torque is running on a Dell Streak 5 with a 5 “display, which is still in a generic holder.

Best regards

Posts: 2
Post Rally car use
on: October 9, 2011 (GMT)


I have been using Torque for about 8 months now in my rally car, a Ford Fiesta ST. I use the OBD KEY bluetooth adapter and I log the engine parameters, speed, GPS position on every stage. I also have a stage display with the critical parameters and a few alarms.

It has been working really well so far, but the next step is to upload this data in realtime for my service crew.


Posts: 3
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: October 13, 2011 (GMT)

No pic of my setup but here’s my display.

HTC Thunderbolt

Posts: 3
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: October 17, 2011 (GMT)

apturas de pantalla del movil – Screenshots:

Pantalla con los datos de aceleracion X, Y, Z, Total y Total en circulo:

Pantalla con Velocidad de GPS, de OBD (Speed OBD)y datos de GPS relativos a nº de satelites, posicion, etc.:

Pantalla con la presion barométrica (barometric press), la presion de turbo (Turbo boost), la temperatura de admision (Admision temp), la presion de admision (Admision press) y la carga de motor (Engine load)(datos a relenti).

Esta pantalla la tengo puesta como principal nada mas abrirse el programa en modo “Real Time”. Consta de temperatura de admision, temperatura del refrigerante presion de turbo, presion de admision y voltaje de bateria

Aqui se ven revoluciones, medicion del caudalimetro (MAF), datos de egr y error de egr. Estos dos ultimos quiero observarlos para comprobar q datos me da cuando limpie la egr por 2ª vez en 72000km.

Aqui se ve la presion de inyeccion, el consumo instantaneo en litros a los 100km y el medio de la misma medicion. Estos datos solo funcionan cuando el coche esta andando.

Aqui se ve un inclinometro simple y llanamente

Posts: 23
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: October 30, 2011 (GMT)

Nook Color, RAM mount, PLX Kiwi Bluetooth.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: January 14, 2012 (GMT)

Erisin ES777A on Opel GT (Saturn Sky)

Posts: 3
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: January 17, 2012 (GMT)

Those integrated setups are real sweet- best I can do at the moment is the windshield mount:

(Yes, the clock is showing midnight, it’s snowing, and that’s an empty parking lot out front- I work overnight.)

Posts: 2
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: January 23, 2012 (GMT)

Here’s a few pics of my setup in my ’11 Genesis Coupe. I need a skin that suits my car better :/

Acer A100 Android tab mounted in a “Type B” bezel. Engine was off when I took these pics.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: January 24, 2012 (GMT)

Has anyone used a proclip product to mount their device? Are they worth it? Any recommendations for other mounting products?

Posts: 19
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: January 24, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from dtaylor05 on January 24, 2012
Has anyone used a proclip product to mount their device? Are they worth it? Any recommendations for other mounting products?

I’m using a Proclip for my setup and I think its awesome.

In my last 3 cars and my last two phones..

They hold the phone securely enough to even use it as a track recorder

Posts: 3
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: January 29, 2012 (GMT)

I use this setup for my RV. It is nice to know the gear you are in and the Transmission fluid temp when in the mountains.

Posts: 9
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: January 30, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from finkaz on January 29, 2012

I use this setup for my RV. It is nice to know the gear you are in and the Transmission fluid temp when in the mountains.

So how do you show what gear you are in please?

Posts: 19
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: February 4, 2012 (GMT)

Here is my setup

HTC Desire HD on a custom Brodid mount with Suction cup

Works as a Track Recorder and a great display for the Realtime Information

Posts: 3
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: February 7, 2012 (GMT)

Using an Archos 101 G9 tablet and a cheap ebay ELM327 bluetooth reader.

I like built-in, but my HHR doesn’t have a ton of spare space, and I didn’t like the idea of building a 0 tablet into my car; I’d like to be able to use it for other things. Just using a Clingo mount (these things rock) and a couple small foam rubber pads to keep it from scuffing the dash and dampen big bumps.

In the summer I intend to open the dash and put a headphone jack and charging port into the dash storage bin and route some wires from the mount into that so I can charge and plug into the stereo without hanging wires. The archos seems to last about 6-8 hours while navigating and/or using torque, so power might not be as much of an issue as I first thought.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: February 20, 2012 (GMT)

Iconia A200 (7″) in my Pontiac Solstice GXP.


Posts: 7
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: February 28, 2012 (GMT)

my first post.. well no pics of the setup yet..
i have gone from an hp ipaq with cf gps to other setups… to a sprint mogul (ppc-6800) running custom roms and always used gps and apps.. wanted to be able to plugin to the odbc eventually but was too expensive.. so now i got an android, saw the app and i had to have it…

so setup..
Phone – Sprint Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic 4G Touch
Bluetooth adapter – ELM327 v1.5 Bluetooth Mini Small Interface OBD2
Windshield mount – Samsung Infuse car dock

i just got the car dock tonight and bt odbc plug. havent tested the dock but the bt adapter works great..

tested on my 2005 trailblazer ext and 2008 silverado 1500 z-71.
Primarily will be used in the silverado.

I have a 1978 chevy mud truck.. sitting on 40″ ground hawgs.. lifted, detroits front and back, snorkel and tons of bells and whistles… next year im shooting to put a 2005 silverado 6.0L motor in.. and will be able to use the obd plug.. this app will be sweet to watch my performance, and all that…
more to report back later…

{Pics pending for setup}

mud truck

Posts: 4
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: March 6, 2012 (GMT)

Herr is my set up thanks. I was wondering if anyone know how to speed up the kiwi device.

Posts: 43
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: March 24, 2012 (GMT)

Well I finally found a download other than the app store which does not recognise a G-tablet. Installed fine. Bluetooth paired with OBD device. Open to screen which says “profile not setup” but is no “menu” button. How do I make settings ?

Is version 485769 & seems to be for the UK.

Screen has Torque on upper left and five buttons around Accel dial on right. “Realtime Information”, “Help”, “Adaper Status”, “Map View”, and “Faultcodes”

Status shows Bluetooth enabled but no connection to the adapter.

Where is setup please ?


Posts: 13
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: March 24, 2012 (GMT)

Looking at all the above, and great they are. I think I need to buy a new CAR.

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