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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Pics of your setups

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Author Topic: Pics of your setups
Posts: 1
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: January 11, 2011 (GMT)


I love your set up. How much work was it to fit the Streak in place of the air vent? I’ve also got a Smart Roadster and would love to replicate your setup. Do you miss the airflow? I guess the blocked air just gets diverted to the dash pods.

My Bluetooth dongle is in the post and I’ll test it all with my HTC Hero phone first, if it all goes well, I’ll be investing in a Streak and asking you lots more questions!!



Posts: 5
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: January 11, 2011 (GMT)

Posts: 2
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: January 12, 2011 (GMT)

Not much still waiting to get my blue-tooth dongle but custom made phone mount, hugs dash, looks awesome in my opinion. Running my LG Ally, overclocked, velocity .3 rom, custom swype install.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: February 2, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from thardyman on January 11, 2011, 11:55

I love your set up. How much work was it to fit the Streak in place of the air vent? I’ve also got a Smart Roadster and would love to replicate your setup. Do you miss the airflow? I guess the blocked air just gets diverted to the dash pods.

Aha! :) The centre air does indeed get delivered to the side vents – I blocked the centre vent exit off so no air could come out. I don’t really miss the airflow and the pods are sufficient for my needs heating things up

You have to hack things about a bit in the centre console to get things to fit (this is with a stanley knife, removing bits of plastic), I’m fairly bad at hands-on work like this, though the end result came out far better than I had hoped. Fibreglassing makes a *big* mess!

If I get a spare moment I’ll post some other pics of the console without the unit and some ‘in-progress’ pics if I still have them, though the next release is really taking all my time up at the moment.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: February 23, 2011 (GMT)

Chevy Cruze + Galaxy Tab

Posts: 1
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: February 23, 2011 (GMT)

Need to do some cord management and then I will post some more pix

Posts: 5
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: February 27, 2011 (GMT)

Honda CRZ:

A 10″ tablet doesn’t quite fit here…

This is more practical, dials are slightly hard to read at this range if you use the small ones.

My current layout

sigma 3
Posts: 1
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: March 14, 2011 (GMT)

Has anyone tried to display this on there Pioneer Head unit ?

Posts: 4
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: March 25, 2011 (GMT)

Wow… the in-dash thing is sweet. Love it!

Here’s my Audi A4:

I also set this up with a wired handsfree. The soda can on the floor is for added ambiance. 😉

Posts: 4
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: March 31, 2011 (GMT)


Firstly thanks to Ian for making a heck-of-a software! It’s something I’ve been looking for a long time and now I finally found it. I like the dashes that you can make very cool. Didn’t mind a bit for paying :)

Just wanted to show you guys (and gals) what cool things you can do with the logging function – but I don’t know how to post images. Would be nice if someone could help me out. I just get this:

Posts: 4
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: March 31, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from Aslak on March 31, 2011

Just wanted to show you guys (and gals) what cool things you can do with the logging function – but I don’t know how to post images. Would be nice if someone could help me out. I just get this:

First you need to upload your images on the internet, on a site like imageshack. That will provide you with a link. You will have to copy in and then when you reply in this thread you will press the second button from the right and it will give you the following:

Where it says link paste your link from the image. And where you see the brackets above it will be the [ and ] symbols.

Hope it helps

Posts: 4
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: April 1, 2011 (GMT)

Thanks Siaosi for your help. Let’s see if I can get the images to show up.

So, after fooling around with Excel I got some pretty useful graphs done regarding my own driving habits. We just have to remember that the raw data I’m using is form a short time span (2days). When more data is collected I’ll get more accurate info.

First graph shows us Fuel burn VS Speed. I’ve taken into account to remove speeds that are under 5km/h because we’ll get figures showing over 100liter/100km. I’ve also taken into account throttle position so that we can exclude situations when the car is moving but no gas is given.

We can see that the optimum speed (from the last 2days) is some where between 75km/h and 90km/h.

Next is a graph showing Fuel burn VS EngineRPM incl. speed. The same exclusions have been made as in the previous graph. Again optimum speed is some where between 75km/h and 90km/h, where as optimum rpm is 2400.

Please note that the data is fairly new, so the images might change (quite a lot) in the future.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: April 10, 2011 (GMT)

Nice, It would be good to know which data you used to make the Graph’s. I would love to know what is the optimum speed/RPM to run in all of my cars.

Just like most of the people here I like cars

Posts: 7
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: April 13, 2011 (GMT)

full installation details at pity me Torque keeps freezing everytime when quitting, and I have a common GalaxyTab without any extra bluetooth-using applications, I just have many videos and torque. So no Pandora nor other stuff to switch off.
I really hope the developer will take care of galaxyTabs in the future. I wrote him many times but the only one time he answered seemed to me he used a sort of pre-templated text (since he says the app is working good on Tab while on the market he says it is not).
Please if anyone managed to have this app exiting correctly with whatever hack please tell me. I don’t have enough time to do a similar app by myself! Don’t even got time to update my own Apps :(

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: April 13, 2011 (GMT)


Unfortunately the hangs/lockups aren’t a problem with Torque, so it’s nothing I can fix.

It is a bug with the Samsung Galaxy Tab’s bluetooth drivers. You will need to complain to Samsung to encourage them to fix their bluetooth drivers and send out an updated firmware.

I have had Torque working on a galaxy tab without issue. You need to make sure Torque is the *only* paired device with the Tab for this to happen (until Samsung fix the tab’s bluetooth)


Posts: 7
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: April 13, 2011 (GMT)

Sorry for the OT, but since our SGT is still the best-seller tablet at the moment it is really really important, being bugged.
I can grant I ain’t no newbie (I’m a java dev) so I understand the huge complexity of testing on various devices/firmwares, I can’t do it for my own android apps so quite the same might be for other homebrewers like me who can’t afford to buy every device is being sold.

Apart from that, I really do not have any other bluetooth devices paired with the tablet. I just got some animated wallpapers (Flurry.. my own Blobby wallpaper etc..) and tons of mp4 videos.

Since the “pandora” trick can’t work for me (I don’t even know what this app is, it’s unlikely I’ve installed it), perhaps you can tell me what firmware version have you been running to test Torque on the tablet, i’ve got 2.2 original from mediaworld(mediamarkt), rooted to be able to raise the volume with an app that can boost it a tiny bit (does not use bt).
Perhaps 2.2.1 which I didn’t flash yet?

You know, Samsung as 99.99% of major brands feels firmwares updates as a pain to sustain as less as possible, they sell hardware and never ever helped out an user with a similar problem. They prefer of course to sell GalaxyTab2 with a newer version of firmware so I believe we will never see a peculiar fix for this from samsung.

Btw, have you tried to post something about this issue on XDA-Dev forums? There is plenty of firmware freaks that perhaps can tell you the precise problem and (if existing) a precise custom firmware to flash to make it work and to make you happier with your nice software.


Posts: 3
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: April 29, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from ruspa on April 13, 2011
Sorry for the OT, but since our SGT is still the best-seller tablet at the moment it is really really important, being bugged.
I can grant I ain’t no newbie (I’m a java dev) so I understand the huge complexity of testing on various devices/firmwares, I can’t do it for my own android apps so quite the same might be for other homebrewers like me who can’t afford to buy every device is being sold.

Apart from that, I really do not have any other bluetooth devices paired with the tablet. I just got some animated wallpapers (Flurry.. my own Blobby wallpaper etc..) and tons of mp4 videos.

Since the “pandora” trick can’t work for me (I don’t even know what this app is, it’s unlikely I’ve installed it), perhaps you can tell me what firmware version have you been running to test Torque on the tablet, i’ve got 2.2 original from mediaworld(mediamarkt), rooted to be able to raise the volume with an app that can boost it a tiny bit (does not use bt).
Perhaps 2.2.1 which I didn’t flash yet?

You know, Samsung as 99.99% of major brands feels firmwares updates as a pain to sustain as less as possible, they sell hardware and never ever helped out an user with a similar problem. They prefer of course to sell GalaxyTab2 with a newer version of firmware so I believe we will never see a peculiar fix for this from samsung.

Btw, have you tried to post something about this issue on XDA-Dev forums? There is plenty of firmware freaks that perhaps can tell you the precise problem and (if existing) a precise custom firmware to flash to make it work and to make you happier with your nice software.


I agree with this… More info on how to get this to stop freezing on the SGT would be nice. Manually disabling bluetooth before exiting really gets annoying.

As for getting an update from samsung, I think it is as likely as hundred dollar bills raining down upon us.

On a side note, I’ve also experienced the freezing problem when quitting alOBD and leaving the bluetooth on; disabling bluetooth prior to quitting solves the problem… but it’s more of a patch than a solution, especially when using the thing regularly.

UPDATE: I’ve flashed my SGT from Bell’s (Canada) firmware to the euro version, crash is no longer an issue. This is definitely a firmware problem with outdated/buggy modules for the bluetooth stack.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: May 7, 2011 (GMT)

Waiting for my tablet, but using my droid x right now.. don’t wanna upload a picture just yet, I’m gonna integrate my tablet into my car and upload a picture then :]

anyway, aslak.. how’d you do that?! i wanna do the exact same thing, but don’t have a clue where to start. the uploaded data on the server isn’t able to be exported, so did you take random points and write out the data by hand using excel?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: May 7, 2011 (GMT)

Hm, I need to fix that actually – you should be able to export your data from the server (though I want a proper authentication in place first)

There’s nothing to stop you logging to a file or writing your own PHP script and changing the URL to point at that instead though, I positively encourage people to play around and see what they can come up with (have a look at the other post on here about the ‘website’, someone has done something called ‘Phorque’ which is actually a lot nicer looking than the offering I currently have!

Posts: 34
Post Re: Pics of your setups
on: May 9, 2011 (GMT)

TSH – Where did you buy the holder for your HTC A8181?

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