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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » GPS & OBD Speed in Km/h?

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Author Topic: GPS & OBD Speed in Km/h?
Posts: 1
Post GPS & OBD Speed in Km/h?
on: May 20, 2021 (GMT)


I am trying to log and view speed in km/h in Google Earth and in the .csv file.

In the app Settings->Units, i have unchecked “Use Miles” option.

I have added two needle displays of GPS speed and OBD speed.

Yet, in the .csv file, when i open it in excel, i only see a column “GPS Speed (Meters/second)” which has logged m/s, not km/h.

Also, in the .kml points file in Google Earth, clicking an arrow shows me among other things, Speed in mph. Also the points on the map are shown titled “mph” at each point.

Am i missing something? Is there a way to turn all the above mph and m/s into Km/h? Thanks.

Posts: 643
Post Re: GPS & OBD Speed in Km/h?
on: May 20, 2021 (GMT)

don’t forget to close the app
to make sure the change become active

and depending where you log it’s different if i remember correctly

the log in the map view and the log in the main dash screen are not exactly the same

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