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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Android 6.0 with Torque Pro 1.10.120

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Author Topic: Android 6.0 with Torque Pro 1.10.120
Posts: 1
Post Android 6.0 with Torque Pro 1.10.120
on: March 27, 2021 (GMT)


Is there any problem with Android 6.0 and Torque Pro 1.10.120?

I have Joying unit with Android 6.0 (GTX joying ROM) and this Torque Pro version won’t start (only black screen).

When I restore the backup (probably version 1.10.114) everything is ok.

Does anyone have a similar problem?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Android 6.0 with Torque Pro 1.10.120
on: March 31, 2021 (GMT)

I have this same problem too … Pro opens and then immediately crashes :(

The Lite version works no problem though.

I tried a factory reset on my joying android 6 but sadly it did not fix it.

Posts: 9
Post Re: Android 6.0 with Torque Pro 1.10.120
on: April 28, 2021 (GMT)

Been using Torque for years, and I’ve been running it on my old Samsung Galaxy S5 Active running Android 6. I’m still able to start and run the app, the only thing that “broken” for me on the lastest update is the trip times. Instead of changing from just seconds, to minutes:seconds, to hours:min (seconds below) it just stays as seconds.

I dont run torque on my current phone (Pixel 2XL cause it’s and OLED screen, and the displays would get burned in) I also cant update my S5 cause the bootloader is locked (thanks AT&T).

Not sure if Ian (@piemmm) will consider looking at this or not (being that it’s 6 y/o version of Android). If he is, I’m more then willing to share what debug info would be needed.

If not, might just go on ebay and find an older phone that can update to an AOSP ROM of Android 10/11.

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