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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Predefined PIDs

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Author Topic: Predefined PIDs
John Nij
Posts: 5
Post Predefined PIDs
on: January 26, 2021 (GMT)

Hello, I mistakenly cancelled/cleared the predefined custom PIDs on torque pro. How can I get them back? Thanks

Hello people, my hobbies are travelling meeting new friends, I also love cars, technologies,adventure and much more.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Predefined PIDs
on: January 26, 2021 (GMT)

1. Are you saying you cleared the predefined pids
added to the working Torque profile or

2. Did you delete the files from the hidden folder

For question one, simply re-add the predefined
pids back to the working set.

For question two, I believe Torque creates the
extendedpids folder and contents the first time
you add predefined pids. Maybe renaming the
empty folder to a temporary name then going
back and adding predefined pids might recreate
it again?

Copying the folder files from another device with
Torque Pro is also possible.

John Nij
Posts: 5
Post Re: Predefined PIDs
on: January 29, 2021 (GMT)

Thanks will try it out.

Hello people, my hobbies are travelling meeting new friends, I also love cars, technologies,adventure and much more.

John Nij
Posts: 5
Post Re: Predefined PIDs
on: January 29, 2021 (GMT)

Forgot to ask how I re-add the deleted predefined PIDs.

Hello people, my hobbies are travelling meeting new friends, I also love cars, technologies,adventure and much more.

John Nij
Posts: 5
Post Re: Predefined PIDs
on: January 29, 2021 (GMT)

Forgot to ask how I re-add the deleted predefined PIDs.

Hello people, my hobbies are travelling meeting new friends, I also love cars, technologies,adventure and much more.

Posts: 2994
Post Re: Predefined PIDs
on: January 29, 2021 (GMT)

From Torque’s main screen…

Menu>Settings>Manage extra Pids/Sensors

Menu>Add predefined pids

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