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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » custon PIDs with DBC file

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Author Topic: custon PIDs with DBC file
Posts: 4
Post custon PIDs with DBC file
on: December 15, 2020 (GMT)

Hello bro..

I have a DBC file so I know CAN ID.

(CAN ID : 809)

How to put PID for OBD2 PID Editor?

Just put ‘809’ only?

Posts: 21
Post Re: custon PIDs with DBC file
on: December 15, 2020 (GMT)

DBC files are for interpreting broadcast CAN data that is being sent around the vehicle. Torque isn’t designed for this.

PIDs work on a request/response communication so are only there if you ask for them.

You might be able to trick Torque into sending a request and making it think the broadcast message is the response but you’d have to be careful which CAN ID you send the request on as it could cause issues if it’s not a standard diagnostic one.

If you have a more expensive interface like an OBDLink there are also some extra commands that might work.

What’s the vehicle and what signal are you after?

Posts: 4
Post Re: custon PIDs with DBC file
on: December 16, 2020 (GMT)

My car is hyundai i30N and I’m using OBD link lx.
The only information is that ‘steering wheel angle’ can id is 809.
So I was planning to put can id 809 and press test button for response and reverse engineering.

Posts: 1663
Post Re: custon PIDs with DBC file
on: December 16, 2020 (GMT)

PID: 220101
Long name: Absolute steering angle
Short name: Ster angle
min: -800
Max: 800
scale: x1
unit: DEG
Equation: (Signed(E*256+F))*0.1
Header: 7D4
Start: atsp6\natsh7d4\natfcsh7d4\natfcsd300010\natfcsm1\natcra7dc\n1003

Posts: 4
Post Re: custon PIDs with DBC file
on: December 17, 2020 (GMT)

thank you!!
can you please explain why pid is 220101?
because 220101 is CAN id?
and is it hex value?

Posts: 4
Post Re: custon PIDs with DBC file
on: December 17, 2020 (GMT)

below is DBC file of steering angle
How can I put PID name and equation?
please help me..

BO_688 SAS11: 5 MDPS
SG_SAS_Angle : 0 | 16 @1- (0.1, 0.0) [ -3276.8 | 3276.7] “Deg”

Posts: 1663
Post Re: custon PIDs with DBC file
on: December 17, 2020 (GMT)

try external PID, which I posted above, and check in Torque
the data that you have given, there is a lot to do with my data

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