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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » 1997 F350 7.3L psd

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Author Topic: 1997 F350 7.3L psd
Posts: 2
Post 1997 F350 7.3L psd *FIXED*
on: April 25, 2020 (GMT)

Hey, y’all

Did multiple searches for my problems but came up empty. Hope someone here can give some guidance.

Using a Samsung Galaxy S9 with an sd card installed.

I’m having 2 problems:
1) Can’t get profile to save at all. After entering in the data and selecting save I get an error in the middle of the screen that says “unable to save profile:F350”.
I tried moving the app from internal to external memory without change.

2) After selecting Ford (including diesel) pids the following error pops;
unable to save settings – check your SD card: /storage/emulated/0/.torque/torqueSettingsc.tmp:open failed:ENOENT (no such file or directory)

Any ideas how to fix this?

Thanks in advance


Posts: 2
Post Re: 1997 F350 7.3L psd
on: April 29, 2020 (GMT)


Developer Ian responded to my questions and recommended uninstalling/reinstalling the app and make sure to approve requests.

Once this was done the app began saving to the sd card.

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