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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Clear Code ?

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Author Topic: Clear Code ?
Posts: 1
Post Clear Code ?
on: April 13, 2020 (GMT)

Hello. I am a subaru user. When a code cleanup is done, will the learned idling data be deleted as well? Sorry for bad english

Posts: 642
Post Re: Clear Code ?
on: April 13, 2020 (GMT)

the clear code command is just for erase the code
it’s not a master reset of the pcm

Posts: 12
Post Re: Clear Code ?
on: April 15, 2020 (GMT)

Quote from moreause on April 15, 2020

the clear code command is just for erase the code

This is, at best, highly misleading.

OBD Service x04 (officially known as “Clear/Reset Emission-Related Diagnostic Information”) is what is typically used by apps that offer a way to “clear codes”. The relevant OBD-II standards document (SAE J1979) mentions 11 or 12 items (only one of which is the actual Diagnostic Trouble Codes [DTCs]) that this OBD service is used to reset. It goes on to say, “Other manufacturer specific ‘clearing/resetting’ actions may also occur in response to this request message.

So, in short, a lot more than just the “codes” gets reset when you use “clear codes” on a typical vehicle with a typical scantool setup. Without seeing the source code (or equivalent, trustworthy, manufacturer-specific documentation covering the topic) for a particular PCM, nobody knows for sure all the things that a “clear codes” operation is actually resetting. Simply put, it’s dependent on the manufacturer.

BTW, it’s “all or nothing” with Service x04 — you cannot selectively reset just the DTCs (or anything else) — everything gets reset collectively!

P.S. This forum software is atrocious for composing posts!!!

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