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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Cannot connect OBDII with Torque via Wifi

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Author Topic: Cannot connect OBDII with Torque via Wifi
Posts: 1
Post Cannot connect OBDII with Torque via Wifi
on: March 16, 2020 (GMT)

I’ve recently bought the Torque pro but it doesn’t seem to connect with my car.

Here are the steps I’ve followed:
1. Plugged in the OBDII to my car and turned on the car
1. Connected my device to the OBD wifi hotspot
2. Opened Torque Pro -> Settings -> OBD2 Adapter Settings -> Connection Type -> Wifi

It still does not work. Going to “Adapter Status Information”
it says “Connecting to: Wifi”

Also, from the 4 icons at the left top, the first 2 are blue and last 2 are black. As far as I know the third one indicates that it connected to the obd.

Any idea what might be the problem?

Thank you.

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