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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Feature requests

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Author Topic: Feature requests
Posts: 223
Post Re: Feature requests
on: March 9, 2022 (GMT)

Hello Ian.
1. Any chance to show hex values on displays? maybe as a function HEX(A)+HEX(B) or HEX(A:B) or smth similar?
2. It would be nice to have a display showing filling rectangle or thick line (instead of existing bars with increasing height)and possibility to resize only one dimension (e.g. long bar showing fuel level in tank) instead of existing square?
3. i have customized several PID displays in custom theme on my old car, but now on other car I have one PID/address with long answer, used in several PIDs, so i cannot customize only some of PID displays if these PIDs use the same request (e.g. for 222512 i get 39 bytes, used in 9 custom PIDs). Is there any chance to get any custom PID to be customized in theme?
4. Is it possible to translate the units for used PIDs? Right now i have custom PIDs, where i can write units in my language. But it would be nice to have same units for predefined PIDs (like speed, pressure, etc.)
Thanks in advance!

Posts: 2
Post Re: Feature requests
on: March 16, 2022 (GMT)

Quote from admin on December 4, 2021
I’ll see what I can do about the fault codes on J1939. It’s good to have feedback that someone is using it :)

Any News about this?
Boating Season is starting …


Posts: 9
Post Re: Feature requests
on: March 17, 2022 (GMT)

Hello Ian,
Thought of an idea when I was getting fuel today. Add a display button called “fill up” or something (like setting the fuel level button), that would reset the long term MPG/KML and prompt for the current price of fuel.

It Could also maybe reset the fuel level back to 100% for those that don’t have vehicles provide the fuel level PID from the ECU.

Also, do you have a “buy me a coffee”, patreon, etc? I bought your app well over 10 years ago, and would love to still support you since you are still actively updating it.


Posts: 21
Post Re: Feature requests
on: March 17, 2022 (GMT)

<div class=”quote”><p>Quote from ThePeePs on March 17, 2022
It Could also maybe reset the fuel level back to 100% for those that don’t have vehicles provide the fuel level PID from the ECU.


Since there’s already a button for that, it shouldn’t be a problem to combine it, if the rest is added as well 😉

Posts: 3
Post Re: Feature requests
on: March 17, 2022 (GMT)

My future feature request would be altitude based on the phone’s barometer.

I live in California and Torque says I’m below sea level most of the time. I know this value just comes off the phone’s GPS and varies with location. I use an app called “Accurate Altimeter” by ARLabs that gives me 3 altitudes calculated from my phone’s barometer (calibrated by visiting an airport with known elevation), actual GPS fix, and recorded map location elevation. I don’t have a clue if this is feasible and it’s not that big of deal to switch between apps but would be nice to have in one place.

Posts: 12
Post Re: Feature requests
on: April 5, 2022 (GMT)

Longer trip time. I deliver pizzas and sometimes sit for awhile on slow nights. Would like to have option up to 60-90min.

Set fuel cost as a button. Going into vehicle profile to set cost is tedious.

Fuel status as a numerical digital gauge. 1,2,4,8,16

Get obdlink and obdmary customize gauges coding. Set size, colors it’s amazing

Posts: 12
Post Re: Feature requests
on: April 5, 2022 (GMT)

Longer trip time. I deliver pizzas and sometimes sit for awhile on slow nights. Would like to have option up to 60-90min.

Set fuel cost as a button. Going into vehicle profile to set cost is tedious.

Fuel status as a numerical digital gauge. 1,2,4,8,16

Get obdlink and obdmary customize gauges coding. Set size, colors it’s amazing

Posts: 9
Post Re: Feature requests
on: April 5, 2022 (GMT)

<div class=”quote”><p>Quote from Bbrock911 on April 5, 2022
Longer trip time. I deliver pizzas and sometimes sit for awhile on slow nights. Would like to have option up to 60-90min.

Set fuel cost as a button. Going into vehicle profile to set cost is tedious.

Fuel status as a numerical digital gauge. 1,2,4,8,16

Get obdlink and obdmary customize gauges coding. Set size, colors it’s amazing

maybe make it a preference setting? This way it’s not pre-defined stops.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: May 12, 2022 (GMT)

The “Set Fuel” button is useful but only has 25% steps. Having 10% steps would help when not filling all the way up. The existing separate % buttons are OK but a large numeric only 0-100% entry would be nicer (a slider like in vehicle setup would be too small for real time use).

Ability to indicate the fuel level in gal in addition to percent

A rectangular horizontal Bar graph display with a fixed vertical size (for like the throttle position)

Posts: 3
Post Re: Feature requests
on: May 13, 2022 (GMT)

does anyone know how to get torque to communicate with other modules besides the pcm? (2004 silverado) my oil pressure pid used to work but now doesent. that pid goes through the instrument cluster not the pcm. please and thank you.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Feature requests
on: May 17, 2022 (GMT)

Can you have a toggle button (on/off) to start Track Recorder from the Tourqe Dashboard?
I always drive with one dashboard, but would like the option to start recording track recorder from the dashboard instead of going back and starting it.


Posts: 6
Post Re: Feature requests
on: May 29, 2022 (GMT)

Hi, can you get the function error Include read and delete for the old VW protocol KW1281 in the app? Show real-time data is yes. View and clear errors only is not supported…. Sincerely VWman

Posts: 2
Post i wnat daihatsu copen 2015 data!!!
on: July 13, 2022 (GMT)

I’m sorry. I’m using a translator.
My car is daihatsu copen(la400k) 2015.
Unable to check cvt temperature.
I bought a Toyota plugin.
Still, I can’t confirm.
I’d like to see information on domestic vehicles in Japan.
Help me.

Posts: 1
Post Feature requests
on: July 23, 2022 (GMT)

It’ll be cool to have maintenance record logging in the same app that checks your car. I’d love to see that happen if is possible ??

Posts: 10
Post Feature requests
on: September 24, 2022 (GMT)

Android Auto

I use an application that replicates the mobile screen on the car screen (Screen2Auto) and I see the main torque screen. The position of the displays cannot be modified, but the data can be seen perfectly in real time.
If I want to put another display, I have to do it on the phone in the Torque application and when I put it back in AA the change is already made.

Plugin request for AndroidAuto:
A plugin to replicate the central screen with the torque displays to be able to use AndroidAuto.
The plugin should take the main torque screen and play it in AndroidAuto without being able to interact with the displays that are on it (thus we meet the AA requirements). But if we change the displays in App Torque, they are changed in the plugin.
Can it be possible?


Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: October 4, 2022 (GMT)

How about an annunciator display? An idiot light but a little more info. A small rectangle with say the word ‘coolant’ in it. Set a low and high threshold, then when the temp is below setting, the background of the square is blue, within range its green, above its red. Possibly an alarm for outside either range. A quick way to see out of norm.

Posts: 21
Post Re: Feature requests
on: October 17, 2022 (GMT)

Quote from on October 4, 2022
How about an annunciator display? An idiot light but a little more info. A small rectangle with say the word ‘coolant’ in it. Set a low and high threshold, then when the temp is below setting, the background of the square is blue, within range its green, above its red. Possibly an alarm for outside either range. A quick way to see out of norm.

So basically an upgrade to the already existing feature then ?
As it is now, it changes color above/below, but not multiple criterias as far as I know.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: October 18, 2022 (GMT)

I got one:

Ok, so, you know how in the properties.txt file used in themes, the spacing(from the center) for the indicator numbers on dials is set with globalTextRadius right? Well, that only seems to work on round needle-type dials, but not square needle or meter-type dials. I would much like this feature, in the interest of fonts that don’t play very nicely with number/text spacing on dials.


I drive, a lot. Subsequently I need to constantly work on my car, and aggressively stay on top of potential issues. Torque makes this exponentially easier.

Posts: 1
Post Feature requests
on: October 27, 2022 (GMT)

Is there any way that you could make the vehicle profile selector a little bit more user friendly? Right now if you have too many vehicles it fills up and doesn’t let you scroll to access the other vehicles that don’t fit on the screen. Maybe have it open up to a separate page that has all your vehicles in it. My other suggestion is to add a text box in the vehicle information page that we can use to store a vehicle’s VIN number. Right now I have to keep my vehicles VIN numbers in a separate notepad, but I’d like to keep it all on one app. And to go along with the VIN number storage, would it be possible to have torque automatically open a vehicle’s profile based off of the VIN number that the ECU reports?


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