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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Feature requests

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Author Topic: Feature requests
Posts: 1667
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 9, 2022 (GMT)

Torque does not automatically add a unit to command 2101 at the end to generate query 21011, nor does he allow the creation of external PID 21011 manually, replacing the entered PID 21011 with 021011 when trying to save the created external PID.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 9, 2022 (GMT)


It should be – though it will not try initially until it is certain that the number of responses don’t change from the ECU(s) (if they do then the function will correctly deactivate)

I’ll run some tests here to check that it is working correctly (probably another unit test for it)

As to the setting the poll rate, that is something I can add to the editor (though things like temperatures are already polled at a reduced rate). I’m working on feature builds now in betas as production is now stable so this is the ideal time to make changes there

Edit: It’ll also deactivate the ‘1’ if there was a 7F response at any point for that PID

Posts: 5
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 10, 2022 (GMT)

Hello @piemmm I have a skoda octavia 3 2014 (grups vag), and I need to add such sensors to your program, I really care about it, I think it can be done, when it comes to specific pids, I have no idea what can be responsible for this data, in an alternative program these data are available when connected to my car?

Calculated instant fuel rate
Distance Since Last Regen
Dpf load % to regen
Dpf Imput Gas Temperature
Dpf Output Gas Temperature
Time Since Last Regen.
Fuel Level
Soot mass calculated
Soot mass measured
Car’s mileage
(Gate) Battery Current
(Gate) Battery charge condition
(climate) Cabin humidity
(ecm) Engine oil temperature
(ecm) injection amount deviation cylinder 1
(ecm) injection amount deviation cylinder 2
(ecm) injection amount deviation cylinder 3
(ecm) injection amount deviation cylinder 4
(climate) Cabin Temperature

Posts: 19
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 11, 2022 (GMT)

Quote from admin on December 19, 2021
Worth mentioning that 7f response handling has been improved and this will be in the next 1.10.174 beta in a couple of days as will the vehicle profile updates for web logging

Hi, wanted to confirm the 7F response is decoding properly for me now. Thank you for improving that.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 13, 2022 (GMT)

Hey mate

With the new storage changes, it makes it hard to move dashboards to the a new phone.

Would we be able to get the ability to sync layouts to GDrive?

Thanks a million!

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 15, 2022 (GMT)


I’ll see what I can do on this – the storage changes made a few things more difficult(and some things better like being able to export and import PIDs to google drive) but had to happen due to google play requirements

I’ll see if I can improve on this a bit more in the next couple of beta updates

Posts: 3
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 17, 2022 (GMT)

I’m not sure if this is already in the works with the upcoming torque-theme-plugin that’s going to be implemented into Torque, but I noticed that downloading any new theme from the servers would overwrite the content of the themeDir/ThemeDirNight folders, thereby overwriting any custom theme or edits done to the theme in there.

Could we have the ability to store themes in a location/page where we could download and store themes from the server, add our own custom themes in there and allow us to quickly swap between them using the dashboard menu?

Posts: 2
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 20, 2022 (GMT)

Sending RAW OBD Command via script needed. (ELM327/STN AT Command)

such as…)
STPX h:1024e097, d:0000FF
(wait for 1 sec)
STPX h:1024e097, d:8001FF
(wait for 1 sec)
STPX h:1024e097, d:0000FF
(wait for 1 sec)

Scripting feature seems awesome to me!
it might be more useful when I can send AT command via script.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 20, 2022 (GMT)


That’s the OBD object you want with the ‘request exclusive lock’ and then the sendCommandGetResponse

Posts: 223
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 21, 2022 (GMT)

it would be nice to have support of 16, 24 and 32-bit values for function “SIGNED(x)” – right now only 8bit values are supported.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 21, 2022 (GMT)

I’ll add SIGNED16() SIGNED24() and SIGNED32() (in addition to the 8 bit SIGNED as well. I’ll alias the SIGNED to SIGNED8 as that’s more descriptive so both still work (but are more obvious what its doing)

Posts: 223
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 25, 2022 (GMT)

Some PIDs deliver “time since xxx” either in seconds or in minutes. Is there any possibility to display such values in HH:MM:SS or in HH:MM format? if not – would the new kind of display or new function to achieve this make sense?

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 28, 2022 (GMT)

Love the app!

I would really like to have a gauge that would display Fuel Remaining as a number (Liters or Gallons) remaining. Right now I can only see a percentage of fuel left.

A couple of features that would be great:

– instead of trips, log for the fuel tank. When you fill up you reset the tank logs and it would look at the fuel level and start logging until the next fill up.
– KM driven since last fill up
– Average Fuel Economy of this tank
– KM until empty on this tank (similar to existing but tweaked more to acceptable levels instead of starting at 32000km and going down. It would also keep the last value when the car turns off so you don’t have to continuously re-calculate.
– Cost of fuel used so far for this tank of gas (based on profile info * km gone.
– Cost per KM/Mile for the tank.

I come from using a ScanGauge II and it was a great little device for fuel economy. I would absolutely love to see some fuel related stuff added if possible. If I knew how to program for android I’d offer to help but sadly it’s not something I’m familiar with.

Thank you and keep up the great work.

Posts: 34
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 31, 2022 (GMT)

Torque does not allow you to save PID type 2101B
PID 21019 can be created, but 2101A cannot. I have responses from the ECU 11 lines long. So I can’t optimize query time.

Write (21:11:58,839): 2101
Read (21:11:58,971): 046
0: 61 01 00 00 01 00
1: 01 00 18 17 E5 94 00
2: 07 02 02 00 B4 FF 00
3: 00 00 00 00 0D 09 0D
4: 11 40 00 00 1A 23 EB
5: 25 25 CE 40 38 FE 4B
6: 50 00 0C 03 20 03 20
7: 00 17 03 20 03 20 00
8: 01 00 00 00 01 00 0A
9: 11 12 03 00 06 00 00
A: 1F 1E 00 00 00 00 00

Is it possible to add the ability to completely disable OBD2 standard queries when using a custom initialization string and external PIDs? Such requests reduce the connection speed on cars without OBD2 support (for example, Nissan JDM).
Thank you.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Feature requests
on: February 1, 2022 (GMT)


Edit2: not a bug, it’s working fine

Torque handles the number of responses from ECU(s) automatically so there is no need to specify it

Also, if you have multiple 2101 PIDs setup then simply set them up exactly like that, as ‘2101’ as the PID (nothing more or less).

The app will handle the rest for you so you don’t have to worry about doing optimisations by chopping the number of responses off short once you have the data you need. Torque Pro already optimises all of this for you automatically

So just put the PIDs in as 2101, without the need for anything else and the app will do the rest of the work for you whilst giving you the speed increase you would expect

Tip: the benchmark scren that shows PIDs/sec in the adapter screen does not take into account these optimisations, it simply reads *raw* PID read speeds as it is for benchmarking the adapter itself. The actual PID speeds once Torque has done it’s optimisations are several orders greater depending on your configuration of PIDs

Posts: 34
Post Re: Feature requests
on: February 1, 2022 (GMT)

Quote from admin on February 1, 2022
not a bug, it’s working fine

Torque handles the number of responses from ECU(s) automatically so there is no need to specify it

Also, if you have multiple 2101 PIDs setup then simply set them up exactly like that, as ‘2101’ as the PID (nothing more or less).

Apparently, automatic query optimization in Torque pro does not always work. For example, a request with a 1 at the end of the form 22 11 01 04 01 1 (Nissan Consult K-Line) greatly speeds up the polling time. I would like to be able to manually optimize queries, because 1,2…..9 it became possible to add a PID to the query in the new version of Torque, but A,B….E is not. Why?
And if you can add the ability not to send standard OBD2 requests (like 0100, etc.). My ECU does not support OBD2, and time is spent on such requests when connected.
Thank you.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Feature requests
on: February 2, 2022 (GMT)


Torque will take a moment or two to initially decide if the ECU *and* the adapter properly support response limits. This means that there are several factors (mostly to do with the adapter and the ECU configurations) that look into this.

If the checks fail, then response limiting will not work reliably and will be disabled for that session.

If this is happening for you then it means that the adapter, or ECU configuration does not reliably support it, or support it at all.

Not supporting ‘0100’ (required to fulfil the OBD2 standard) is one of the checks that will cause the response queries to be disabled

The a-f is a bug and will be sorted in the next beta for you!

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: February 15, 2022 (GMT)

Is there any way we can have user selectable rotation settings, or at least have it follow how the system is set? I’d like to be able to lock in it landscape mode for use on my cars display (I use screen2auto to mirror my phone). Right now the auto rotate setting does its own thing even if I lock Android to only use landscape. If I turn off auto rotate in torque, then torque will stay in portrait even though the rest of my system is locked to landscape.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: March 5, 2022 (GMT)

Is there a way, or could you add a switch so Torque doesn’t try to connect to a Bluetooth OBD2 adapter? This way if I want to open Torque to change settings, or check out the changes, it’s not trying to connect to an adapter that isn’t there. I know I can turn off Bluetooth, but it still keeps trying.
(Offline mode or Simulation mode?)

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Feature requests
on: March 5, 2022 (GMT)


If the adapter isn’t present then the app will simply not connect (and that’s not a problem, or going to cause a problem as it goes (and allows) the device to go to sleep when the adapter isn’t present)

Torque is actually designed to be left running all the time without impacting anything (or also to be run just when you need it, it doesn’t matter which mode) – if left running all the time (as it is left on my own phone) then it simply allows the phone to go to sleep as there’s nothing to connect to.

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