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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Feature requests

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Author Topic: Feature requests
Posts: 6
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 20, 2020 (GMT)

I would like for the compass DIAL to rotate so that your direction of travel is always at the top, rather than try to follow the compass needle.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 30, 2020 (GMT)

2 simple requests:

1) On dashboard, allow movement of dials with finger in a location OTHER than directly over the dial. Finger blocks the view and makes it difficult, especially when using smaller sizes.

2) In the TYPE menu, allow adding just a text box and/or imagebox.

Posts: 36
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 31, 2020 (GMT)

Need a function:

Posts: 30
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 31, 2020 (GMT)


1. Users have been asking for this feature for 2 years, but for some reason, they do not want to do it.
Need a function:

Quote from admin on November 10, 2019
Capp777: I like the way you think – that /should/ work, though it may need to change in the editor a bit (havent had time to test myself either) – I may add a function (that’s less of a hassle to tyoe) to do this after I’ve got .107 out of the way with

2. Two and a half months ago, you promised to add a function to remember the last parameter value in the next version, now it is version 114, and there is no function!!!

For example so:
to remember(VAL{Pid1})

Posts: 3
Post Re: Feature requests
on: February 5, 2020 (GMT)

Android Auto?

Posts: 13
Post Re: Feature requests
on: February 12, 2020 (GMT)

Please add “conditional” alarm so for exemple :
alarm if AFR above 14.7 during WOT

Posts: 5
Post Customizeable indicator lights
on: March 7, 2020 (GMT)

It would be nice to have some indicator lights in the Torque being emulated by showing user-customizeable bitmaps/icons to allow easy read informations like e.g. “ice warning”, “cold engine” or “speed limit” (snow flake, thermometer, warning sign).

Suggested solution:
Torque indicator containing up to 5 custom images and some manipulation formula similar to LOOKUP() for defining PID:value:output_image to display with flashing option.

PNG support would be enough.

Thanks in advance 😉

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: March 10, 2020 (GMT)

I found a paid app that allows injector coding, is it possible this could be implemented in torque, is does everything else!!

Posts: 3
Post Re: Feature requests
on: March 16, 2020 (GMT)

Alarm Enhancement

The software can today announce for example “Engine operating temperature has been reached”.

Has there been an thought to extending alarms to allow for:

1) Selection of what happens with the alarm on a more granular basis (audio announcement, display message, alarm warning tone etc.)?

2) Thought is to keep alarms as they are today but add check boxes for say:
a. Audio Announcement
b. Alarm Tone
c. Screen Display (none, display time, ack required)

Basically some method of allowing the user to setup their own announcements like the Engine Operating Temp one that is in there but for any PID evalation.

For example:

Alarm: Transmission Temperature Rising
Sensor: TransTemp
Type: Maximum
Trigger: 160F
Alarm Tone: no
Audio Announcement: yes
Screen Display: 3 seconds
Ack Button: no

Not a perfect spec but I think you can get the basic idea.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: March 30, 2020 (GMT)

I’d like for more theme features, just to make my life easier.
Please make needle dials with custom start and stop angles support negative values. I have a Boost/Vacuum gauge Id like to set up where 0psi is at the top.
SVG / vector support. This isn’t strictly necessary but would be super nice.
Needle masking. This is where the needle would “unmask” a bitmap as it goes up, somewhat like a thick line behind the dial. A lot like a hybrid of the indicator line and the needle.

Otherwise, fantastic app!

Torque on rooted Civic head unit

Posts: 9
Post Re: Feature requests
on: April 10, 2020 (GMT)

First I have to say you have done an amazing job. Excellent app.

*I´m in the process of making my own PCM. I am already test driving the car and “speaking” with torque app.

Said that, I am able to get AFR and its position inside VE table (MAP, MAF and RPM position), so;

1. It would be great to graph AFR at every location inside VE table anytime, so that i can adjust pulse width for every position (just as a reference, check for megasquirt software)

*Also like in other PCM´s, you can pull RPM_target and diagnose whether PCM is controlling everything as it should or not. so;

2. It would be so nice if you can see two needles in the same indicator (apply for RPM, temp, fuel trims)

Mechanical engineer, electronic enthusiastic, microcontroller programing enthusiastic, cars lover, in process of create my own PCM (fuel control checked, spark control in process)

Posts: 42
Post Re: Feature requests
on: April 16, 2020 (GMT)

!IMPORTANT! Popup answer from pushing OBD command button with command which return answer.

Button is useless without this feature. You have no idea what command has return. “Long tap -> Edit -> Test command” feature not usable in everyday mode.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: April 18, 2020 (GMT)

Hi could you add knock sensors

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: April 28, 2020 (GMT)

+1 for the two bluetooth signals

For those who have added a secondary device, like a wideband O2 sensor with the control unit transmitting AFRs via bluetooth. e.g. PLX SM-AFR with BT adaptor to MultiGauge app.

It would be awesome to be able to capture ecu AND afr data (from a different unit) in the one place.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Feature requests
on: May 4, 2020 (GMT)

Is it possible to expand Torque Pro data? would be great to have oil temperature included in the Torque Pro program.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: May 12, 2020 (GMT)

Could you please add support for EMU datalogger 1 bluetooth adapter.
Torque sort of connects but then gets stuck on looking for model.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: May 12, 2020 (GMT)

+1 for Android Auto support. Just installed a Kenwood DMX9706S double DIN in my 2001 Porsche 996 twin turbo, and would very much like to run Torque Pro on the Kenwood screen.

Would also like to get oil temp info, though my research suggests it’s on the CAN bus going to ECU, but not available via OBD2 protocol. Dang.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: May 17, 2020 (GMT)

Not sure if this is where to drop this as it seems more a bug than a feature..

While running the latest update on my galaxy s8 my freeze frames look like this…

Note the dark title on the dark background.. If i run my display in night mode, it looks fine, but i hate night mode. :)

So, FYI, on something simple to fix.

That said, I love torque pro! Keep up the good work. Wish I was working on it with you! :)


Gerald Hinson
VP Engineering @ Godaddy
ex-msft-sql-server guy
ex-game-developer guy

Love great software!

Software guy that has worked on stuff you probably use. Hobby car mechanic. Plays guitar a lot.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Feature requests
on: June 16, 2020 (GMT)

How about oil pressure, if possible.

Posts: 14
Post Re: Feature requests
on: July 1, 2020 (GMT)

Quote from DaveDammit on January 20, 2020
I would like for the compass DIAL to rotate so that your direction of travel is always at the top, rather than try to follow the compass needle.


Also, the MAP should rotate based on direction

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