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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Feature requests

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Author Topic: Feature requests
Posts: 6634
Post Feature requests
on: November 12, 2019 (GMT)


Here’s a list for the features you would like to see in Torque – these can range from new functions for the equation parser, to new types of dials, to other things!

(Updated Nov 2019)

Posts: 5
Post Re: Feature requests
on: November 14, 2019 (GMT)

Support of multiple BT-adapters simultaneously. I have an ELM327 and an Arduino-based sensor adapter. For now I need to switch between profiles. To have two adapters in one profile, so I can display data from both on the same screen, would be awesome.

Posts: 18
Post Re: Feature requests
on: November 16, 2019 (GMT)

I would like to have a timer visualized which could be started on a certain alarm, e.g.timer is running as soon as engine temperature is above 95°C …

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Feature requests
on: November 17, 2019 (GMT)

Sure would be nice to set the number
of decimal places of the process variable
in display types other than digital.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: November 18, 2019 (GMT)

It would be awesome if Torque could display oil pressure and vehicle G sensors ( they are both available in BMW’s )

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: November 18, 2019 (GMT)

Add a gauge to convert instant MPG/KPL to instant LPK/GPM

With the twin arrow style (average and instant.)

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: November 23, 2019 (GMT)

ecu post button you need to send certain parameters prefix pedal comander.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Feature requests
on: November 29, 2019 (GMT)

After updating to the latest version, the recorded trip tracks are not correctly displayed on the map. The image of the track is shifted to the east by about 20-25 kilometers. Please correct
link to screenshot is:

Posts: 1667
Post Re: Feature requests
on: December 4, 2019 (GMT)

to be able to use the device type Clock for an external PID

Posts: 36
Post Re: Feature requests
on: December 4, 2019 (GMT)

1. I would like to see the function of storing the external values (put your pid in the function, she remembered the value, and then to not have Pacula to add the new values of the same pid.
2. The reset button would not hurt to make a separate one too, where it would be possible to enter your PIDs and when you press the button, these PIDs would be reset to zero.
3. To add a function IF, THEN, it is very necessary in Torque.
2. The reset button would not hurt to make a separate one too, where it would be possible to enter your PIDs and when you press the button, these PIDs would be reset to zero.
3. To add a function IF, THEN, it is very necessary in Torque.

Posts: 30
Post Re: Feature requests
on: December 4, 2019 (GMT)

1. I would like to see the function of storing the external values (put your pid in the function, she remembered the value, and then to not have Pacula to add the new values of the same pid.
2. The reset button would not hurt to make a separate one too, where it would be possible to enter your PIDs and when you press the button, these PIDs would be reset to zero.
3. To add a function IF, THEN, it is very necessary in Torque.

Please unlock your oniava account.

Mo ayesh
Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: December 9, 2019 (GMT)

Hello evry one

Can customize my car by obd2 through the torque
Merror. Glass. Ligh auto off

Tmc 2652
Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: December 17, 2019 (GMT)

Would be great to have injector coding and pilot learning

Posts: 14
Post Re: Feature requests
on: December 19, 2019 (GMT)

It would be nice if Torque could somehow show the upcoming directions of navigation apps in a display

Im mostly running off Waze, Kurviger, Calimoti etc

Right now one can have either Waze/Kurviger or Torque open
Voice navigation works 90% of the tune 3 but sometimes one needs to see the map.

I know that this will require coordination with those apps. Just hoping that this could possible

Posts: 14
Post Re: Feature requests
on: December 19, 2019 (GMT)

Here is another:

Could the graph displays show the current (or average) values in the background (maybe green / red to indicate trend)

Also for some graphs per- second update is useless (eg: android phone battery charge state). A per minute update or longer would be good

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: December 24, 2019 (GMT)

+ function to reduce burn-in [idk maybe jiggle the widgets at set intervals to keep pixels from being static for too long]

+ bar meters [vertical, horizontal, curved]
-RACEMETER hasn’t been updated in a long time ’17. Torque is better but RACEMETER is more customizable.

+ Shifting Lights

+ Shifter GEAR Position
– I want to see what Shifter Position my ECU thinks i am in.

+ Stretching Widgets

Not to sound needy. Appreciate your work.

Posts: 11
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 1, 2020 (GMT)

A page has many gauges. However would like one of the gauge to be of a different color so that while driving I can easily notice that gauge. We can limit it to one per page.

Posts: 4
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 11, 2020 (GMT)

I would like the freeze frame label font color to have more contrast to the background color. They are unreadable in the original theme.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 12, 2020 (GMT)

Quote from admin on November 12, 2019

Here’s a list for the features you would like to see in Torque – these can range from new functions for the equation parser, to new types of dials, to other things!

(Updated Nov 2019)

Hi Piemm,

I would like to see a pushbutton option to start/stop datalogging manually.
The route gear > start logging is too distracting while driving..

I hope i’m not asking too much, thanks in advance.
Kind regards, Toni

Posts: 1
Post Re: Feature requests
on: January 12, 2020 (GMT)

I have a carbureted 2 cylinder off road dune buggy.

I have a dashboard with analog gauges. The gauges are all broken. Buying new ones would cost around 0. They are Gas, Water Temp, Oil Pressure, Battery, Tachometer, and Speed. I have the values for the senders. The resistance values at empty for the gas gauge for example and all of them.

My question is, can I use the Arduino analog inputs plus some code to create the parameters for the Torque app and that way I can just have an Android tablet mounted in the dash to read out the gauges?

If so, has anyone created the Arduino code for their particular setup. Why reinvent the wheel. Then I can just learn from it and modify the code as necessary for my sender values.

Can I use the new module with built in BLE with the torque app? This one:

Thank you all for the information.

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