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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Send Command in interval

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Author Topic: Send Command in interval
Posts: 2
Post Send Command in interval
on: June 12, 2019 (GMT)

I had an Toyota Hybrid. Some times it get the akku to hot, but the fan is starting the highest speed in my opinion to late. So I had have configured a button to send a command to set the speed to highest, this button is funtionally.

Now my problem: The system get the command and set it to highest, but 5-10 seconds later it will go down again. So I looking for a solution, that are send the command in a interval auf x seconds after activation. In best way dependend on the temperatur of the akku automaticcally.

Is ther any way to do this in torque? Or is there a known plugin for this? Until now I had no found anything in Torque only in a second app specialised for the HSD



Sorry for my poor english

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