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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » MINI Gen1 group 21 PID's

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Author Topic: MINI Gen1 group 21 PID's
Posts: 1
Post MINI Gen1 group 21 PID's
on: April 26, 2019 (GMT)

Hi guys, I have a list of custom manufacturer addresses and I may be getting this wrong as I don’t seem to be getting any responses.

The EMS uses the old ISO protocol via K line Pin7 OBD and the standard PID in Torque work fine but I’m after “Calculated airmass flow” (EMS uses x2 MAP sensors so calculates airflow and then the maps inside the EMS use this value in the X axis)

Could somebody sort this into a format that Torque Pro format please? So I can be sure if I’m getting this correct?

paramname= AirMasskg/h
paramid = 0x2113
databits = 16
scalingrpn = x,0.2500007629510948,*
ECU address: e464

Thankyou to anyone reading this, I’m a bit late to join the Torque app ?

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