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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque Pro connection problem

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Author Topic: Torque Pro connection problem
nick cann
Posts: 2
Post Torque Pro connection problem
on: April 20, 2019 (GMT)

I bought a bluetooth OBDll scanner, and it didn’t work, so I returned it,and bought another one, but this time a wifi scanner. Now, when I try to connect my Torque Pro app, it still tries to connect to the faulty one,which obviously isn’t inserted! I reset Torque Pro to wifi…but it still tries to connect, or search for the old bluetooth adapter…help! How can I stop the app looking for the old bluetooth scanner,and search and connect to the new wifi version? i know it works, because I tried another app.which is not as good by any means as the Torque Pro one :( , and it connected straight away…grrrrr…..

nick cann
Posts: 2
Post Re: Torque Pro connection problem
on: April 20, 2019 (GMT)

As an alternative, how can I un-install, and re-install Torque Pro, without having to pay again?Perhaps that would clear the ‘memory’?

Posts: 2
Post Re: Torque Pro connection problem
on: April 21, 2019 (GMT)

hi, you can delete the program and re install it from the Google Play store, because you bought it through there it will let you download another copy.
re your connection problem,
just been setting mine up, Android Tablet, go into the tablet settings and let it find the new WiFi unit and set it up in there.

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