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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Extended CAN PID Codes Mode 22- OBD2

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Author Topic: Extended CAN PID Codes Mode 22- OBD2
Posts: 1
Post Extended CAN PID Codes Mode 22- OBD2
on: April 15, 2019 (GMT)

Hi –

I’m an electrical engineering student and for my senior design project I am designing a data logger for Ford vehicles 2008 and newer. So, the data logger I am designing will need to log voltage, temperature, misc OBD data and current. There are many OBD modes, with modes/services 1 and 2 being standard across all mfgs. These are hexadecimally numbered, as can be seen in the “Services” section on the table of the OBD-II wikipedia page. A mode can be referred to as, for example, mode 22/service 22/. With that said, mode 22 of the OBD2 is a proprietary/confidential mode defined by SAE J2190 for Ford/GM. Mode 22 is an “extended/enhanced mode” which can be accessed on the CAN network. It is only used by these two mfgs. The OBD2 interface allows for communication (transmission and receiving of messages) through the CAN network (this is basically just a network between multiple segments of the electronics whose sole purpose is communication). Within each mode, there are PIDs (Parameter IDs), each of which have a code associated with it. **By knowing the code for the desired PID, a query can be sent using software to request information about that PID.** Examples of what type of information is on a PID are ‘engine torque’ or ‘battery current’. These PID codes should be the same for all/most Ford vehicles, and will not be present on cars older than 2008, because the CAN 11-bit and CAN-29 bit (extended) networks were not standard until then. You just need to know which PID code to use to attain the information you are looking for, and since mode 22 is confidential it makes it very hard to figure this out.

I need to know the PID code for either ‘Battery Current’ or ‘Engine Torque’. Both can be used to determine the battery current of a vehicle (‘Engine Torque’ value can be used in a couple equations to determine current), which is what I’m after.

What I’m wondering is…Does anyone know the PID code for either ‘Engine Torque’ or ‘Battery Current’? Most likely, if the person does not work for Ford, they would have had to reverse engineer the Mode 22 PIDs to determine the codes for each. Someone who services Fords may know the answer as well.

Posts: 437
Post Re: Extended CAN PID Codes Mode 22- OBD2
on: April 16, 2019 (GMT)

I think standard Torque Pro will do everything you are talking about as far as data logging.

But I think someone has mislead you along the way somewhere about “These PID codes should be the same for all/most Ford vehicles …”

I have done a considerable amount of work hacking / reverse engineering OBDII PIDs on my F150. One thing I have well learned is that there is little to NO standardization across vehicles – even of identical make / model and equipment. Case in point, I have found PIDs that work on Ford vehicles manufactured at one plant, but WILL NOT WORK on same year model, body style, equipment that was assembled in a different assembly plant. And PCMs have a software code that differentiates them.

As frustrating as this is, it does make some sense. //And this highlights the VALUE in the Torque Pro approach to a scanner facility // Sensors or Components manufactured by different suppliers may require different PIDs completely or adjustments in equations to obtain accurate readings or information.

Keeping the above in mind, on my F150 Lariat – Calculated Torque in Ft-Lbs is at PID 163A. (What is purported to be the standard port -09CB, produces NO DATA). As for as Battery Current ???? What exactly is it you are looking for. TMK- There is NO PID that gives battery consumption in current. The Generator is a ‘smart’ device and reports the current percentage (0-200%) of its rated output that it is running. That would be current to the battery through the fuseable link – which includes what the vehicle is consuming at the time plus whatever charge is going into the battery trying to get its voltage up to desired voltage.

Some relevant PIDs applicable on _MY_ vehicle (but no guarantee they do anything on others) are:

Generator/Alternator Voltage Desired – # 097C (A*256+B)/2048 Volts
Vehicle Power – Battery # 1172 (A/16) Volts
Generator Field Current # 16E8 (A*256+B)*(200/32767) % Gen Capacity
Generator Field Source # 0939 A*(200/255) %
Volts(Alternator Control Module) # 0042 (A*256+B)/1024 Volts

There are other PIDs for Alternator fault, Battery lamp commanded on, and Generator lamp fault and so forth, but none that I am aware of that give Battery Current.



Posts: 2
Post Re: Extended CAN PID Codes Mode 22- OBD2
on: April 28, 2019 (GMT)

Quote from Ford_Dorf on April 15, 2019…With that said, mode 22 of the OBD2 is a proprietary/confidential mode defined by SAE J2190 for Ford/GM. Mode 22 is an “extended/enhanced mode” which can be accessed on the CAN network. It is only used by these two mfgs…

You were also mislead here, as I use mode 22 PIDs on my Dodge vehicle.

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