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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Do OBD adapters consume power when car not in use?

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Author Topic: Do OBD adapters consume power when car not in use?
Posts: 5
Post Do OBD adapters consume power when car not in use?
on: April 13, 2019 (GMT)

New to the whole OBD world. Bought a Chinese ELM327 adapter just to explore how all this works and if I can build a cool dashboard for my mobile phone.
My question is if the OBD adapters are mounted permanently in the car and of so, if they use energy when the car is not in use. Basically my question is if I can expect my battery to be drained because of this adapter if I don’t use my car for a couple of days.

Any ideas?

Posts: 1663
Post Re: Do OBD adapters consume power when car not in use?
on: April 13, 2019 (GMT)

adapter consumes no more than 30-40 ma
some drivers write that they do not take out the adapter for several years and everything is fine with their battery
a few days should not lead to the discharge of the battery

Posts: 5
Post Re: Do OBD adapters consume power when car not in use?
on: April 13, 2019 (GMT)


Posts: 643
Post Re: Do OBD adapters consume power when car not in use?
on: April 13, 2019 (GMT)

yes they do consume some power

i learned the hard way lol … but the car was left park for a whole month

obd link mx and other high end .. have a deep sleep option that is suppose to work with torque

never confirmed with i meter to check the current draw in sleep more or if it is working

i have a car with a obd link lx and one with a mx they are connected 100% of the time with no issue

Posts: 1
Post Re: Do OBD adapters consume power when car not in use?
on: April 14, 2019 (GMT)

I confirm it , i am using torque for 6 years with bluetooth permanent connect without any problem

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