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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Crankcase Oil Temp

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Author Topic: Crankcase Oil Temp
Posts: 24
Post Crankcase Oil Temp
on: November 28, 2018 (GMT)

Is there a PID that will show my oil temp on a 2013 F150, 5.0?

Posts: 437
Post Re: Crankcase Oil Temp
on: November 28, 2018 (GMT)

I fought that one for a long time on my 2004 F150 5.4L.

Do not know if my efforts would benefit you at all on your 2013. I have found (and well learned) that there are lots of differences in PID assignments of even the most similar of vehicles. I would like to know if it works. But – if it helps:

Engine Oil Temperature (Volts) on mine is at PID # 16AF. It gives Volts (Zero to 5 volts) and value from the thermister sensor outputs reading in the inverse. Proper formula for it is: (A*256+B)/13107 for proper 0-5 volt output.

After much research, I found a table / chart of voltage temperature readings for it in the Motorcraft OBDII Theory of Operation Manual, and set out to come up with a conversion formula. Found it to be a very bizarre ‘S’ curve. With the assistance of a very brilliant forum member on here ( credits to: @cintakc ), he came up with a formula that works magnificently. It’s called a ‘complex cubic spline polynomial’, but actually has four curve sample points. (I guess that would be a ‘quad – spline’ LOL). With that I built the following three very useful gauges:

Mode/PID: 2216AF
Long Nm: _Engine Oil Temperature F.
Short Nm: EOT_CSpoly
Min / Max: -40 – 300
Units: ºF
Equation: “(0.000000000000006*(((A*256+B)/64)^6))+(-0.000000000023539*(((A*256+B)/64)^5))+(0.000000035224767*(((A*256+B)/64)^4))+(-0.000026002718966*(((A*256+B)/64)^3))+(0.010060545286623*(((A*256+B)/64)^2))+(-2.15299002755322*((A*256+B)/64))+347.216057683581”
Header: Auto
diag st/stp: Blank

Mode/PID 221139
Long Nm: _Engine Coolant Temperature Input
Short Nm? ECT Input
Min/Max 0 255
Unit Type ºF
Equation: A*2
Header; Blank
diag st/stp: Blank

Mode/PID: Blank
Long Nm: _EOT-ECT_Delta
Min/Max: 0 / 100
Units ºF
Equation: Val{_Engine Oil Temperature F.}-Val{_Engine Coolant Temperature Input}
Header: Blank
diag st/stp: Blank

NOTES//// I use a leading underscore character on all my custom PIDs to identify them from Torques.
In the Equation using the ‘Val’ (value) operation, the name must match the Long Name “EXACTLY”.

There is an example (with downloadable ‘CSV’ file for torque) posted here:

Hope this helps.



Posts: 24
Post Re: Crankcase Oil Temp
on: November 29, 2018 (GMT)

Thanks. I will try it out.

I couldn’t find a torque directory on my S8.

Posts: 24
Post Re: Crankcase Oil Temp
on: November 30, 2018 (GMT)

No data on those addresses.
Thanks anyway.
Where did you find what addresses are available for your ECU?

Posts: 437
Post Re: Crankcase Oil Temp
on: November 30, 2018 (GMT)

Well – that was back when the “TORQUE SCAN” plugin ‘actually worked’!!! Thank goodness I caught it before some update crashed that wonderful plugin – which has NEVER been fixed since.

But I started a Torque Scan and scanned ALL addresses from 0000 through FFFF. There were somewhere just short of 500 PIDs that produced responses. I ’emailed’ that scan data {that’s the part of the plugin that does NOT work any more —– so it’s worthless now —) and I placed them in a data base and set out to figure out what they were all for.



Posts: 24
Post Re: Crankcase Oil Temp
on: November 30, 2018 (GMT)

I can do that.
Do you have to configure anything else except the address?

Posts: 437
Post Re: Crankcase Oil Temp
on: November 30, 2018 (GMT)

Oh yeah. Figuring out what the heck sensor or ‘parameter’ they are is definitely a challenge and causes plenty of wear and tear on your search engine.

Then figuring out formulas for meaningful results is great “Anti-Dementia” exercise !!

But as the old saying goes – math is fun.



Posts: 24
Post Re: Crankcase Oil Temp
on: December 2, 2018 (GMT)

Why only four F’s?

Posts: 437
Post Re: Crankcase Oil Temp
on: December 2, 2018 (GMT)

Best guess, the OBDII system was designed to handle a maximum 65,535 possible parameter ID’s. It’s hexadecimal like Windows 65,535 ports.



Posts: 24
Post Re: Crankcase Oil Temp
on: December 3, 2018 (GMT)

I got that part, but PIDs are in 6 digits.

Posts: 1663
Post Re: Crankcase Oil Temp
on: December 3, 2018 (GMT)

220000 – 22FFFF

Posts: 24
Post Re: Crankcase Oil Temp
on: December 4, 2018 (GMT)

That is very helpful.
I’ve tested 13 addresses so far, 01-0c and have 6 hits.

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