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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » AFR on 2007 350z

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Author Topic: AFR on 2007 350z
Posts: 5
Post AFR on 2007 350z
on: August 6, 2011 (GMT)

Has anyone gotten the AFR to work on a 350z?

Using an el327.

Posts: 2
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: August 7, 2011 (GMT)


Posts: 6633
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: August 7, 2011 (GMT)

AFR depends on the nissan allowing access to the O2 sensor readings – if it doesn’t allow access to them, then it’s impossible to get the AFR readings….

There was a small bug in this fixed about 2 versions ago where the second O2 sensor that was used for the AFR calculation wasn’t used. That was fixed so you should have a better chance of getting AFR readings if you make sure you are on the latest version, however if the ECU doesn’t allow the O2 sensor readings to be read, then it’s unfortunately impossible to work the reading out…

If one of you could let the app connect, then go to the ‘realtime information’ screen and use the ‘send debugging info’ option, (write a description!! ‘370z or something’) press send/ok and wait for the ‘sent ok’ message

I have a couple of days before I’m off on honeymoon so I’ll try to have a look at the debugs to see if your cars support the sensors or not, or if it’s a bug!



Posts: 5
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: August 7, 2011 (GMT)

That is awesome I will get the debug out this evening.

Posts: 6633
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: August 9, 2011 (GMT)

Got the debug, thanks

These are the sensors supported:

01 01 4 Number of trouble codes and I/M info Bit encoded. See below.
01 03 2 Fuel system status Bit encoded. See below.
01 04 1 Calculated engine load value 0 100 % A*100/255
01 05 1 Engine coolant temperature -40 215 °C A-40
01 06 1 Short term fuel % trim—Bank 1 -100 (Rich) 99.22 (Lean) % 0.7812 * (A-128)
01 07 1 Long term fuel % trim—Bank 1 -100 (Rich) 99.22 (Lean) % 0.7812 * (A-128)
01 08 1 Short term fuel % trim—Bank 2 -100 (Rich) 99.22 (Lean) % 0.7812 * (A-128)
01 09 1 Long term fuel % trim—Bank 2 -100 (Rich) 99.22 (Lean) % 0.7812 * (A-128)
01 0C 2 Engine RPM 0 16,383.75 rpm ((A*256)+B)/4
01 0D 1 Vehicle speed 0 255 km/h A
01 0E 1 Timing advance -64 63.5 ° relative to #1 cylinder A/2 - 64
01 0F 1 Intake air temperature -40 215 °C A-40
01 10 2 MAF air flow rate 0 655.35 g/s ((256*A)+B) / 100
01 11 1 Throttle position 0 100 % A*100/255
01 13 1 Oxygen sensors present [A0..A3] == Bank 1, Sensors 1-4. [A4..A7] == Bank 2...
01 14 2 Bank 1, Sensor 1: Oxygen sensor voltage, Short term fuel trim 00 1.2799.2 Volts% A * 0.005(B-128) * 0.7812 (if B==0xFF, sensor is not used in trim calc)
01 15 2 Bank 1, Sensor 2:Oxygen sensor voltage,Short term fuel trim 00 1.27599.2 Volts% A * 0.005(B-128) * 0.7812 (if B==0xFF, sensor is not used in trim calc)
01 18 2 Bank 2, Sensor 1:Oxygen sensor voltage,Short term fuel trim 00 1.27599.2 Volts% A * 0.005(B-128) * 0.7812 (if B==0xFF, sensor is not used in trim calc)
01 19 2 Bank 2, Sensor 2:Oxygen sensor voltage,Short term fuel trim 00 1.27599.2 Volts% A * 0.005(B-128) * 0.7812 (if B==0xFF, sensor is not used in trim calc)
01 1C 1 OBD standards this vehicle conforms to Bit encoded. See below.

AFR requires the O2 equiv ratio sensors, which unfortunately your nissan is not providing over obd2 (but I’m almost certain the data is used by the ECU internally, nissan have just turned access to it over OBD2 ‘off’)

Your best bet is to try to find the extended PIDs for your nissan (more commonly known as Mode 21 or Mode 22 PIDs) – you can then enter them into the apps ‘Manage extra sensors’ section to include those sensors

Posts: 5
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: August 10, 2011 (GMT)

Awesome if I figure it out I’ll surely post the info here

Posts: 5
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: August 10, 2011 (GMT)

Can anyone point me to a listing of Mode 21 or 22 Extended PIDS?

Posts: 5
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: August 10, 2011 (GMT)

Found this list:


are listed but i need to have a long digit # as the PID address correct?

Should I use Torque Scan to try and find the addresses?

Posts: 6633
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: August 10, 2011 (GMT)

You’ll need to have something like:

PID/Mode: 21 01 09
Equation: A + (B * 256)
Unit: V

(obviously substituted with the values for the nissan information)

Saw the PDF you linked to last evening whilst I had a quick look for the PIDs as well to see if they were freely available online. Unfortunately it’s no good as it needs the PID/Mode information as shown above, the PID and Equation/Units are the most important bits you will need.

TorqueScan won’t be too helpful at the minute – it will tell you the location of the PIDs you need to look for if you use the scanner, but that’s about it for the moment (the hard work is working out what the returned values that you are looking at are, and their conversion back to a sensible number). There’s a new version of it waiting to come out once I get another app update going, but that won’t happen until I come back off holiday (which I’m about to vanish off to in about 2 hours) :-)

Posts: 9
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: September 22, 2012 (GMT)

Is there any update on this? I’d love to be able to read my A/F on my 2005 Nissan Altima SER

Posts: 4
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: September 27, 2012 (GMT)

Very interested in this also

ECM Hardrain
Posts: 5
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: September 17, 2014 (GMT)

Bringing Back an old thread from the dead…. Is there anybody willing to pick this up and fix it? I will gladly provide ANY information using my vihicle if someone is willing to tell/show me what info i need, what to do with it and where to do it. I am running an OBD Link MX bluetooth dongle with Torque Pro ( with most plugins ) as well as ScanXL Pro software,OBD Link software and a few random programs to monitor.

Currently Active Army, Built and raced cars entire life beforehand. Enjoy any and everything to do with racing or high performance building. Have raced SCCA and NASA for going on 5 years ( taking a break from it for a while right now from it ) Recently began focusing on the hardcore tuning and software aspect of building in order to expand my skills.

Posts: 2997
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: September 17, 2014 (GMT)

Maybe this link will help…

Posts: 2
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: August 24, 2016 (GMT)

Morning all!

I know im digging up an old thread, but seem to be having similar issues!

Ive got a 2004 with the VQ35DE V6 engine.

Running torque on a samsung tablet.

Using a a Vgate iCar 3 OBD dongle.

Everything hooks up fine, and with have no issues reading temps of the app provided gauges.

However, in a quest for more gauges to monitor I turned to manual PIDS:

I ve have them set up exactly as the forum above states.

But the readings for the fuel pressure and OEM Wideband AFR seem incorrect and never move.

AFR returns -0.1 constantly, and fuel pressure returns 372.8 constantly.

Are there any obvious errors in the data im using to provide this?



Posts: 6633
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: August 24, 2016 (GMT)


All those sensors are already available in the app as part of the standard PIDs (you don’t need to add them as they were added a long time ago)

You want the AFR(measured) and Fuel Rail pressure sensors. The fuel rail pressure sensor you have in that list (which is the one already present in the app) is usually applicable to diesel engines only.

If your vehicle allows it to be read, the AFR(measured) will not work until the O2 sensors have warmed up a few hundered degrees, and the engine has entered closed loop mode (takes about 2 to 5 minutes on a cold engine)

Posts: 2
Post Re: AFR on 2007 350z
on: August 24, 2016 (GMT)

Thanks for coming back to me, i assumed with them not high lighted green on the select dial list that they were not supported by the original app?

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