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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Ford Extended PIDs

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Author Topic: Ford Extended PIDs
Posts: 1
Post Ford Extended PIDs
on: October 24, 2013 (GMT)

I am new to this application.
I added the extended PIDs for Ford(powerstroke).
I setup my vehicle profile and checked “Use separate dashboard layout”. (I tried it without this checked too.)
The PIDs that I should be able to monitor don’t show up when I add a gauge, or they don’t have the green background.

A lot of the available sensors in the ODB status screen, don’t show up either.

What am I doing wrong?

One other thing, when I run the PID scanner, it runs for about 10 minutes and then errors out.

2012 Ford F-350 6.7L Diesel



Posts: 2997
Post Re: Ford Extended PIDs
on: October 24, 2013 (GMT)

Most of those were for a 6.0L.

The following link should help
with a few pids you can add…

Posts: 276
Post Re: Ford Extended PIDs
on: October 25, 2013 (GMT)

I too am new to this. Capp777 is right, the extended PIDS were mostly tested on the 6.0L which is made by International and I’m finding that the 2012 6.7 that is made by Ford are changed and some of the PID numbers are even different on the 2013 6.7L made after Jan 1, 2013. I have had some luck with getting some to work but I’m still in the learning stage and when I’m sure that they are working I’ll share my findings. I believe that if more people request these PIDs the more they will come available. Some of these are on MS-CAN bus and HS-CAN bus, but information is hard to find for free.

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