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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Torque Intents?

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Author Topic: Torque Intents?
Posts: 12
Post Torque Intents?
on: November 28, 2012 (GMT)

I recently wrote a blog about using some automation to create the “ultimate” car dock for Android phones. (see more here). I’m really pleased with what all the phone does, but I have a couple gripes that I was wondering if you could help me with.

Firstly, I really want Torque to quit when I undock the phone. I’ve tried a few things like killing the app with Tasker, but Torque seems to stay in memory and it keeps displaying a notification icon. I was hoping maybe someone would be able to describe some of the intents used in Torque and that there’d be a way to use one of those intents via Tasker to automatically exit the app.

Secondly, I’d really like Torque to open up in the dashboard immediately. There’s an option in the settings to set that but I’m finding that it frequently does not open up in the dashboard. Is there an intent that I can call that opens up in the dashboard instead?

For what it’s worth, I’m using a Samsung Galaxy S3 with a CyanogenMod-based ROM (CM10).

Posts: 12
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: November 30, 2012 (GMT)

I just thought I’d bnump this since there seems to be a related thread that this could be combined with:

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: November 30, 2012 (GMT)


You need to configure tasker to send the following intent:


You may also be interested in the following intents that are sent from the app for more advanced use in Tasker:


Posts: 12
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: December 1, 2012 (GMT)

Awesome, thanks a bunch.

I will tinker around with the Torque intents (hopefully this weekend) and share my results and probably blog about them too!

Posts: 12
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: December 1, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from admin on November 30, 2012

You need to configure tasker to send the following intent:


You may also be interested in the following intents that are sent from the app for more advanced use in Tasker:


I used the org.prowl.torque.REQUEST_TORQUE_QUIT intent in my car dock Exit Task inside Tasker and that seems to work great! I’m going to work on grabbing some screenshots and updating my blog to reflect exactly what I did.

Would it be possible to document/explain other intents that might be useful? Depending on your use of Tasker, I could imagine some really neat and fun stuff that could be done.

Just as a for instance, I’ve been wanting to make a “Racing” profile for when I’m at a street night at the drag strips, I’d like to be able to have Tasker intercept a log of a pass and then mark it with a pass number somehow so that I can go back the next couple days and associate Torque logs with time slips and analyze the data logged by Torque.

For what it’s worth, I’d be happy to pull together whatever information is shared into a single document and share it here and over on the Tasker WIKI.

Just food for thought, thanks for the help and the response!

Posts: 5
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: December 1, 2012 (GMT)

Thanks this worked for me.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: December 2, 2012 (GMT)

This works about 50% of the time for me. Half the time, it will quit Torque as expected. The other half, it will quit, then Torque will automatically open back up a second or two later. Any suggestions?

Posts: 12
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: December 3, 2012 (GMT)

I noticed this once or twice, I’ve been thinking about adding a pause at the very end of my exit task and kill it a second time. Maybe even something more graceful like checking to see if Torque is running and then killing, I’m not sure.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: February 3, 2013 (GMT)

At first it worked 50% of the time, as it has been said earlier. Now it doesn’t work at all.

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: February 4, 2013 (GMT)


Do not process kill Torque. Use the quit intent to ask it to quit.

If you kill Torque android in most cases will restart it itself. This isn’t a Torque thing restarting the app, it’s the android OS because something killed a running app which is registered as a service

Also killing app processes is a really bad idea. If the app is busy writing a configuration file when it is killed, then you will corrupt that file. This may cause strange behaviour of the app (any app) when it restarts and tries to read that half-written file, or even force closes. In short, avoid process killers at all costs

The quit intent is what you want to quit Torque – it may take a few moments to quit (if it is busy uploading data(if you have configured web logging) or has to avoid a bluetooth bug) but it will quit :)

If Torque is restarting after a quit, then:

* You have forgotten to remove the process kill.
* You have the OBD homescreen widgets plugin installed and active. There is an OBD toggle wiget to use to shut this down (and is mentioned in the market description in several places) – the widget (to function) needs Torque started to read data, hence why it auto starts. The OBD toggle widget can control this

Posts: 2
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: February 7, 2013 (GMT)


First thanks for your great program.
I have purchased Torque Pro and Torque Widgets.

Could you say me what is the intent (package, class, action, etc.) to toggle OBD toggle widget as if I has clicked on the homescreen toggle widget?

Thanks and best regards.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: February 7, 2013 (GMT)

Quote from danividalg on February 7, 2013
Could you say me what is the intent (package, class, action, etc.) to toggle OBD toggle widget as if I has clicked on the homescreen toggle widget?

I too would like to know whether this is possible, as I have tasker starting Car Dock Home v3,with a Torque widget, on bluetooth connection. But I have to click on the on/off widget to start the Torque service.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: March 17, 2013 (GMT)

With the last few versions, Torque will only quit successfully about 50% of the time. The other 50%, it looks like it’s shutting down and then it starts back up again. I’m using the org.prowl.torque.REQUEST_TORQUE_QUIT intent with Tasker. I was thinking it was just a problem with Tasker, but Torque does the same thing even when I manually select quit from the Torque main screen (also about 50% of the time). I am not using any process killers (even in Tasker) and I do not use the widget.

I’ve tried running it in my stock ROM, done a factory reset a few times, played with a few other ICS and JB ROMs, and I’m now currently on CyanogenMod 9.1 and it does the same thing with them all.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I should also add that I’m using Torque Pro version 1.6.36.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: April 8, 2013 (GMT)

What works for me is the following setup:

Task1: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:30 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ]
Task2: Send Intent [ Action:org.prowl.torque.REQUEST_TORQUE_QUIT Cat:None Mime Type: Data: Extra: Extra: Package: Class: Target:Broadcast Receiver ]
Task3: Execute [ Configuration:@! pm disable org.prowl.torque
@! pm enable org.prowl.torque Name:Execute ]

For Task3 you need to have intstalled:
1) Terminal Emulator
2) Locale Execute Plug-in for Tasker

Task1 makes sure that Torque is not shut down while uploading logs, you can adjust delay to your circumstances.


Posts: 2
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: November 22, 2013 (GMT)

Quote from thommas on April 8, 2013
What works for me is the following setup:

For Task3 you need to have intstalled:
1) Terminal Emulator
2) Locale Execute Plug-in for Tasker


Am having dramas getting Torque to stay stopped. Wanted to try your method. Looked for the Locale Execute Plug-in but it seems to be no more. Am I missing something?

Posts: 12
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: January 25, 2014 (GMT)

The Locale Execute plug-in can be found here:
Locale Execute Plug-in

However on current versions of Tasker, this shouldn’t be necessary anymore. You can accomplish the same using:

Script->Run Shell

Using the following for Command:

pm disable org.prowl.torque
pm enable org.prowl.torque

And make sure to check the Use Root option

Posts: 1
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: October 15, 2014 (GMT)

The org.prowl.torque.REQUEST_TORQUE_QUIT restarts Torque instead of quit it in case the
“Startup in dashboard -> Always go to dashboard” option is set.

Posts: 1
Post Re: Torque Intents?
on: April 16, 2017 (GMT)

I am using Automate (“com.llamalab.automate”) instead of Tasker but the following worked for me (Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, unrooted):

– switch to Homescreen using “Interact” Block (Action: Home)
– wait 1 second using “Delay” Block
– toggle the torque widgets with “Interact” Block
(Action: Click, UI Element Class: android.widget.TextView, UI Element Text: Widgets). The On/Off widget must be placed on homescreen
– quit torque using the org.prowl.torque.REQUEST_TORQUE_QUIT intent

I am using Torque Widgets with the Overlays (“”) App. The last Step is to close the overlays:
– use the “Tasker-Plugin” Block in Automate and stop the actice Overlay profile

Starting routine works in reversed order

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