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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Guide for PID csv file?

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Author Topic: Guide for PID csv file?
Posts: 72
Post Guide for PID csv file?
on: July 21, 2012 (GMT)

I know there must be some instructions for making the extended PID csv file lines, other than just the single PID (transmission temp) line in the Pro version example file, but I haven’t been able to find it after an hour searching the forum. Is there such an instruction set? For example, I don’t know what the “°C” (top-hat on the A) character is and how to enter it. And how to enter the degree character? Also, for the formulas, I assume the “A

Electrical test engineer

Posts: 72
Post Re: Guide for PID csv file?
on: July 23, 2012 (GMT)

Really, no instructions? I stumbled across the “&” operator which opens the door to bit checking. That’s great! I guess it’s all a secret.

Electrical test engineer

Posts: 6633
Post Re: Guide for PID csv file?
on: July 24, 2012 (GMT)


It’s something I really need to document – there will be functions as well that can be used ABS(x), SIGNED(x), VAL(“pid full name”) (to reference other PIDs in the equation)

Posts: 72
Post Re: Guide for PID csv file?
on: July 26, 2012 (GMT)

It doesn’t need to be anything fancy or complex; just a simple list of operators with a very brief description would be great.

Electrical test engineer

Posts: 3
Post Re: Guide for PID csv file?
on: July 30, 2012 (GMT)

Ian –

Much like GD, I’ve been searching for this type of feature for a long time on the message boards. Just assumed that documentation was buried somewhere – but glad to know that you’ll release more information in the future.

This would be so incredibly useful for so many reasons.

Thanks for all the great work you do.

Posts: 19
Post Re: Guide for PID csv file?
on: April 23, 2016 (GMT)

Since “Diagnostic start command” and “Diagnostic stop command” have been added to the custom PID editor, can they be imported with csv file? What should the first row field names for these values be? The example “Other.csv” does not show this.

Also, exactly what does an equation of [0d] do? I’m assuming it does:
A*16777216 + B*65536 + C*256 + D when the response is 4 bytes
A*65536 + B*256 + C when the response is 3 bytes
A*256 + B when the response is 2 bytes
A when the response is 1 byte

Posts: 2997
Post Re: Guide for PID csv file?
on: April 23, 2016 (GMT)

Quote from Automate on April 23, 2016
Since “Diagnostic start command” and “Diagnostic stop command” have been added to the custom PID editor, can they be imported with csv file? What should the first row field names for these values be? The example “Other.csv” does not show this.

Also, exactly what does an equation of [0d] do? I’m assuming it does:
A*16777216 + B*65536 + C*256 + D when the response is 4 bytes
A*65536 + B*256 + C when the response is 3 bytes
A*256 + B when the response is 2 bytes
A when the response is 1 byte

End Quote.

Ian will have to answer the question concerning
adding the diagnostic fields to the .csv file.

[0d] is short for the value of pid 010d.

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