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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » 0-60 times 1/4 times

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Author Topic: 0-60 times 1/4 times
Posts: 5
Post 0-60 times 1/4 times
on: May 6, 2012 (GMT)

How exactly does torque take the 0-60 readings?
Is it reading through the obd
I seem to be getting wrong or bad readings
I have a gtech that is accurate and sometimes my 60 foot readings seem to default to 11.42
Is it using a satellite
Accelerometer. Or obd
For these times
Is there an adjustment I can make?

Posts: 6629
Post Re: 0-60 times 1/4 times
on: May 6, 2012 (GMT)


It’s a 0-60mph timer – and it automatically uses the most accurate system available when it does the test. The only thing that will cause it to fail is not accelerating past 60mph (stopping at 60mph will not complete the test, you should accelerate through 60mph) and/or spinning the wheels

Posts: 5
Post Re: 0-60 times 1/4 times
on: August 10, 2012 (GMT)

Tested again
seems very inacurate
At the dragstrip gtech dead on
torque east off over a second most runs sometimes just a half second.
Yes tires where spinning but shouldn’t torque still figure the quarter

Posts: 87
Post Re: 0-60 times 1/4 times
on: August 10, 2012 (GMT)

The physics used for the calculations in Torque will be accurate assuming no software errors (unlikely)

your setting for weight to calc HP will need to be accurate

you need to go past 60mph or 100kph until it registers a value or distance for the 1/4 mile 1/8 mile etc

the accuracy of the GPS or the vehicle speed will be + or – some amount

so it is a good indicator but it will not be as accurate as a the official drags but should be reasonably close

a half a second isn’t too bad for an empirical result using an indirect method for measurement …. the gear at the drags will always be more accurate because it is using a system designed to only measure one thing, time … Torque is having to do other calculations and wait for data

if you need a stopwatch then buy a stopwatch and you still won’t be as accurate as the drags gear which will also be be + or – but at least everyone running will be subject to the same amount of error

the drag timing starts from when the lights change till when you cross the line …. I’m assuming Torque starts the timing from when it detects movement (accelerometer, ECU speed >0, GPS speed >0) till it measures =>440 yards … so you can expect some variation depending on speed and data timing and/or delay and CPU etc etc

Posts: 5
Post Re: 0-60 times 1/4 times
on: August 10, 2012 (GMT)

Thought this would be useful on the street but clearly not
Really should not be used in my opinion
a half a second is a massive difference in drag racing or performance tuning.
Not even close to being accurate one pass it showed the car being
over .400 faster than it was next pass it showed that it was .500 or
so slower in the 1/4 than it actually was.
I am assuming it is using gps and if it is then its not worth using
since the lag is always there
if it solely used the accelerometer like the Gtech it would be accurate enough to use in my opinion.
At least I now have confirmation that a stopwatch from the dollar store is more accurate than the torque app at testing 0-60 1/8 mph 1/4 mph etc.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: 0-60 times 1/4 times
on: August 10, 2012 (GMT)

Hi, unfortunatley what you have said may indicate an issue with your adapter, or how you are expecting the app to work, please read below,

Vehicle speed via OBD2 is practically dead on – typically to within around 0.1mph of actual (don’t forget your speedometer will be calibrated to over-read though)

The main accuracy of the app depends on how many sensors you are polling – for this OBD2 will be very quick and accurate if you only have the 0-60 widgets (and that type of widget) visible on screen and also aren’t calculating things like MPG – (this matters less on CANBUS protocol vehicles as they’re nice and fast in terms of providing updates, but on older vehicles (usually using ISO9141, J1850,etc), you may want to turn off MPG calculations and only have the 0-60 widget visible on the screen – it is safe to have this, and the 1/4m, 1/8m, 0-100 (etc) widgets on the same screen, and this is the default in the app)

If you’re getting half second readings, then check your PID read speed, and also that your vehicle is connected to the OBD2 adapter and properly reading data (no faults detected, etc). If you have a PID read speed of less than 10, then you will have an inbound sensor read resolution of less than 100ms (canbus vehicles van average over 40/second with decent adpaters which give you a resolution of 25milliseconds) (The OBDLink adapter can reach up to 65PIDs/second via bluetooth – thats a base resolution of 15ms)

However because a proper physics calculation is used this is then further reduced to less than 5ms (based on the assumption that you are always accelerating during the test) and should be very accurate. This calculation will also improve accuracy on vehicles with slow read speeds (typically 100ms read speeds will result in accuracies around 25ms)

Torque’s timing starts from when the vehicle starts moving (ie: the OBD starts registering a speed greater than 0km/h)

Also, in the OBD2 adapter settings, make sure you have Faster Communications enabled as this will improve read speeds (which will help greatly on slower vehicles)

Posts: 87
Post Re: 0-60 times 1/4 times
on: August 11, 2012 (GMT)

GTech has been solely designed to do the job you want as an enthusiast drag-racer for $US200 – $US300.

It is a dedicated instrument which has been designed and calibrated according to their blurb at

Torque will come close and/or be spot on as Ian has indicated above … but you will have to calibrate an instrument against a superior instrument which has been calibrated if you are looking for superior accuracy.

For example … Optical 5th wheel is the big-boy of performance testing. It is the most accurate method of measuring speed of a moving vehicle. It’s very expensive $US15,000 to $US20,000 but super accurate.

Torque costs less than $US5 and will provide good accuracy once it has been properly set up and calibrated.

Posts: 5
Post Re: 0-60 times 1/4 times
on: August 13, 2012 (GMT)

OK thanks
Sounds like I either need to calibrate or possibly get a quicker adapter.
Any adapters out there that are faster other than payimg 0.00 for a kiwi

Posts: 87
Post Re: 0-60 times 1/4 times
on: August 14, 2012 (GMT)

Like Ian said … try deleting the number of displays to the absolute minimum you need to to do the job (before you look at spending any money) … keep checking and rechecking your changes and your data … keep a log book

the OBDLink MX is supposed to be the fastest … provided the ECU and the Android device can keep up

here’s a review

Posts: 5
Post Re: 0-60 times 1/4 times
on: August 17, 2012 (GMT)

OK. Thanks again
Due i need to delete alarms etc?
Another words if I am in track recorder and only show boost and 0-60 is that OK or is there possibly other things in the background
Slowing things down i would need to delete as well.

Posts: 6629
Post Re: 0-60 times 1/4 times
on: August 17, 2012 (GMT)


Yes, alarms would cause a PID lookup, as would logging (however the as the 0-60 uses the speed PIDs, you can get away with keeping any speed PIDs you have setup for logging/alarms)

The OBDLink MX is nice and fast on CANBUS systems, but if you are on something like ISO9141 (one of the slowest protocols) then it won’t make that much difference. You can check which protocol you are using by letting the app connect, then going to the ‘Adapter Status’ screen and looking for the protocol there where it should tell you

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