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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Extended PID's - Signed Variables

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Author Topic: Extended PID's - Signed Variables
Posts: 8
Post Extended PID's - Signed Variables
on: April 12, 2012 (GMT)

Hey all,

First off, to Ian, GREAT APP! We share the same last name so I knew I was purchasing a quality app 😛 I’ve been very excited about this app. I have convinced about 15 of my colleagues to purchase a bluetooth scanner and your Torque App. We all love it so far. Even though we work for a major automaker, we find it very exciting to get data out of our personal vehicles and may even expand into using it for quick data collection on our fleet vehicles!

Anyway, I have access to all of our PID’s and I’m trying to set some of them up. But I’m having a hard time getting the Signed variables to show up. For instance, I have TCC Slip being logged and it’s a 2 Byte Signed word. Everything works with the equation: ((A*256)+B)/8, as long as the values are positive. Once they go negative, the HEX values drop from 0000 and loop back around to FFFF. So FFF0 would be -15 rpm. But Torque reads this as 8190 rpm.

Let me know if you can help me solve this. Thanks!


There are only 10 types of people in the world… those who understand binary, and those who don’t.

Posts: 8
Post Re: Extended PID
on: April 12, 2012 (GMT)

I guess for more clarification, these PID’s are 2’s compliment variables.

0000 (0000 0000 0000 0000) is 0
7FFF (0111 1111 1111 1111) is 32767
8000 (1000 0000 0000 0000) is -32768
FFFF (1111 1111 1111 1111) is -1

Not sure how to handle these in the app as extended PIDs.

There are only 10 types of people in the world… those who understand binary, and those who don’t.

Posts: 8
Post Re: Extended PID
on: April 12, 2012 (GMT)

HawkeyeC25, not to change the subject but how did you get this to work without any way to connect to the bluetooth scanner?

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Extended PID
on: April 12, 2012 (GMT)


I’m looking at this, will try to sort this out for you this weekend…

EDIT: this is now fixed in code – there is a new function you can add in the equation parser that tells the app the value is signed, so your new equation will look like:


This will be in the next update.

Posts: 7
Post Re: Extended PID
on: April 12, 2012 (GMT)

Quote from HawkeyeC25 on April 12, 2012
Hey all,

First off, to Ian, GREAT APP! We share the same last name so I knew I was purchasing a quality app 😛 I’ve been very excited about this app. I have convinced about 15 of my colleagues to purchase a bluetooth scanner and your Torque App. We all love it so far. Even though we work for a major automaker, we find it very exciting to get data out of our personal vehicles and may even expand into using it for quick data collection on our fleet vehicles!

Anyway, I have access to all of our PID’s and I’m trying to set some of them up. But I’m having a hard time getting the Signed variables to show up. For instance, I have TCC Slip being logged and it’s a 2 Byte Signed word. Everything works with the equation: ((A*256)+B)/8, as long as the values are positive. Once they go negative, the HEX values drop from 0000 and loop back around to FFFF. So FFF0 would be -15 rpm. But Torque reads this as 8190 rpm.

Let me know if you can help me solve this. Thanks!

Which automaker do you work for Hawkeye? Please tell me Honda! I’d love to get their extended PID’s!


Posts: 8
Post Re: Extended PID
on: April 12, 2012 (GMT)

Wow!! I didn’t expect such a quick turn around. You are awesome! Can’t wait for the update release. I’ll let you know if I run in to more quirks as I go.

Torque works just fine with my Bluetooth OBD scanner and my Droid X. Not sure what you are asking.

Sorry – it’s not Honda :)

There are only 10 types of people in the world… those who understand binary, and those who don’t.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Extended PID
on: January 20, 2013 (GMT)

Hi Ian, do we have the capability in Torque to read a 16 bit two’s complement representation? I’m working on getting Torque to work with a Prius Gen1 and we have some two byte signed results. Thanks, Jeff

Posts: 3
Post Re: Extended PID
on: January 20, 2013 (GMT)

Hello Jeff,

I am also toying around with a classic (2001) Prius, but have no luck so far getting anything to work.
Did you get anything to read out so far already ?

This is my status..

Best regards


Posts: 5
Post Re: Extended PID
on: January 20, 2013 (GMT)

Hi Florian, yes I have had some success. See the recent thread in the gen1 forum on priuschat.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Extended PID
on: January 20, 2013 (GMT)

Hello Jeff,

thanks for the reply. I found the discussion on priuschat. its amazing that both of us have the idea of using torque almost at the same time.

I just got back from the car and the SOC display is working correctly :) I didn’t try out the automated csv generator yet.. this will have to wait until a little later.

best regards


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