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Torque » Torque OBD ECU Scanner » Torque Discussion / Ideas » Track recorder

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Author Topic: Track recorder
Posts: 24
Post Track recorder
on: September 14, 2011 (GMT)

I can see the map… I can see the displays, i.e. speed etc. I record and during the record the map/displays are accurate.Everything looks ok live. Stop recording, select the previous recording and when looking at it ON the phone = recording is ok BUT no map is shown,displays are shown but they are all showing 0 all the time (i.e. didn’t record what happened). Also, recordings are still there after deleting them, delete, go back after deleting and they are still there.

Uninstalled/Reinstalled, deleted the torqueRecorder library but issue remains.

Edit: program/plugin at the very latest version

Posts: 122
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 15, 2011 (GMT)

I too noticed that deleting didn’t quite delete them. I think the files are gone, but their listing is still there. And, actually, I think one of the files (with the name video?) remains, actually.

I didn’t do much investigating this issue, though.

Just surviving, trying to avoid speeding tickets.

Try the Shift Lights for amazing Torque!

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 15, 2011 (GMT)

Hm, I’ll look at that now – usually thats something preventing the file from being deleted (the android media scanner can cause this). I’ll see if I can work around it.

Posts: 24
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 15, 2011 (GMT)

Great thanks. Regarding the other/main issue, anyone else having any issues with the recording only showing the “actually videorecording” when opening the video from within the plugin? Map is not shown and the displays are static (staying at 0), the video itself is fine. Everything looks OK while recording, map is showned and moves accordingly, displays responding to what’s happening but when I replay the video in Track Recorder the above happens.

Posts: 24
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 15, 2011 (GMT)

Confirmed, latest update deletes the file/s… still have the same issue regarding my other problem though.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 16, 2011 (GMT)

I think the second issue is the app not connecting to the OBD dongle until after you have hit the record button – I’ll have a look

Posts: 24
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 17, 2011 (GMT)

I have to change the error description slightly. Did two more test recordings today. The map and the displays (km/h, rpm, boost/bar) were showned correct while recording. When playing it back in the application –> no map, the first recording seems to display the correct speed but the other displays are totally wrong (i.e. not the same as when I was recording). Second recording shows all displays wrong, i.e. over 300 km/h, revs at below 10 rpm, boost at over 60 bar’s… Once again, I checked the screen while recording and the displays were showing accurate values but playing it back will show other values.

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 17, 2011 (GMT)

That sounds like the wrong dashboard file has been used, which shouldn’t be possible in normal use of the plugin

if you manually copy files around, things will break and you will get incorrect readings in playback as all the recorded files cannot be interchanged

Posts: 24
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 17, 2011 (GMT)

No I haven’t been copying any files manually around. It’s also strange that the same setting seems to show the accurate km/h in one recording but being totally wrong in the second (10 minutes later), I was connected to the ECU all the time. Also, shouldn’t I see the map when doing a playback from the app?

App has been un/re installed previously, can I do anything else to reset it?

Posts: 24
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 19, 2011 (GMT)

Displays deletet, added new ones. Even GPS speed is totally wrong in playback. Still no map in playback. Looksl fine when recording as always.Well it’s a BETA release, have fun!

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 20, 2011 (GMT)


What version of the app did you get and where from (The android Market or somewhere else?) I’m trying to think why your map wouldn’t show (other than no data connection)

Also what phone are you using it on?



Posts: 24
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 20, 2011 (GMT)

Version 1.6.5 from Android market
Torque + any plugin’s are at the latest version, all installed from the android market

Un-installed Track Recorder last week, as a test, and re-installed it from the android market but it didn’t make any difference. I definately have a data connection while recording as the map is accurate and is showing where I am and where I’m going. Displays are also correct while recording but gives incorrect values in playback.

Phone = HTC Desire


Posts: 24
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 26, 2011 (GMT)

Hi Ian, any news regarding this. I guess the easiest thing to focus on is why the map is ok when recording, i.e got data connection (definately not cached data) but map aren’t even showing at playback from within the very same track recorder app. I’m totally aware that someone else “in the world” should have reported this if it was an issue but in my work I’ve seen the opposite. Thanks

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 26, 2011 (GMT)


Now I’ve got the 1.5.12 update out of the way with I’ll be able to spend some more time on this. I may have already fixed one of the issues, I just need to post an update after checking over some more of the code. Some people are reporting screen corruption on the SGS 2 and droid 3 (which is due to the camera drivers unfortunately).

Posts: 60
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 29, 2011 (GMT)

Quote from PoloGTI on September 17, 2011
I have to change the error description slightly. Did two more test recordings today. The map and the displays (km/h, rpm, boost/bar) were showned correct while recording. When playing it back in the application –> no map, the first recording seems to display the correct speed but the other displays are totally wrong (i.e. not the same as when I was recording). Second recording shows all displays wrong, i.e. over 300 km/h, revs at below 10 rpm, boost at over 60 bar’s… Once again, I checked the screen while recording and the displays were showing accurate values but playing it back will show other values.
I have the same problem. 300kmh. :-)
Original elm327, Civic Type R (2008) no tuning. Galaxy TAB 2.2.3 Android.

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
Android 6.0.1
BMW 325i
Skype: uborka11

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 29, 2011 (GMT)

OKay, I’m looking at this now – there will be a cool update soon as I’m reworking some of the widgets. :-)

I also purchased an SGS2 to see the screen corruption issues. However there are none :-) it’s already been fixed in a firmware update, so make sure you check to see if there is a newer firmware for your SGS2 devices out yet! (the droid3 should be very similar as it’s the same fault which will be fixed by a system firmware update)



Posts: 24
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 29, 2011 (GMT)

Thanks Speed2006, as already said, one might feel like I can’t be “the only one in the world” experience an issue… so you don’t report it. Good to see someone else seeing similar problems. Will help Ian as well!

Posts: 60
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 30, 2011 (GMT)

New Record: 359 kmh by 12 rpm. :) I think something else may be wrong. I hope that Ian will help us. Until then, my Type R are the fastest on the world.

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
Android 6.0.1
BMW 325i
Skype: uborka11

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Track recorder
on: September 30, 2011 (GMT)

Found the bug that causes this now, thanks for the feedback! Hopefully fixed in the next update!

Posts: 6634
Post Re: Track recorder
on: October 2, 2011 (GMT)

Okay, fixed most of those bugs.

The upside-down screen issue is still a problem however as it seems entirely random in nature and I don’t seem to be able to pin down what’s causing it. At the moment, its looking like another camera driver bug in the SGS2

Here’s a short video of some of the changes due in the next update. Please ignore the audio track through:

I’m tinkering with the video export today.

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